Top 10 Reasons Why Most People FAIL at Time Management


Top 10 Reasons Why Most People FAIL at Time Management

You have the best intentions to get more done, but you keep falling behind. You know that time is your most valuable asset. But you don't know how to manage it better! The truth is that there are so many things pulling us in different directions every day, and we are left feeling overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of each week or month. 

Hi, my name is Felecia Etienne, and I am a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business and Life Strategist for ambitious female entrepreneurs and professionals. I help those overwhelmed, stressed-out bosses to maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

Here’s the good news, there are things you can do to change that. In this blog, I'm going to share the top 10 reasons why most people fail at time management and how you can avoid those mistakes.

Reason #1: why most people fail at time management | lack of personal leadership

Personal leadership is one of the most important keys to time management for a variety of reasons. First, personal leadership helps you to focus on your goals and work towards achieving them. Without personal leadership, it can be easy to get sidetracked and waste time on activities that don't contribute to your goal. Second, personal leadership gives you the motivation to keep going even when things get tough. When you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it can be tempting to give up and take a break. However, if you have strong personal leadership, you'll be more likely to push through and continue working towards your goal. Finally, personal leadership can help you to inspire and motivate others. If you're working on a team project, for instance, your personal leadership can help to encourage and motivate your teammates. In general, personal leadership is one of the most important keys to time management because it helps you to focus on your goals, stay motivated, and inspire others.

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Reason #2: Underestimating the Time something takes to complete 

One pitfall of ambitious High performers is the tendency to miscalculate the energy and time it will take to complete a project or task, which can lead to time management issues. This problem is especially true for women juggling work and family responsibilities. However, this can lead to us taking on too much and not being able to deliver on our promises. To avoid this trap, it is important to be realistic about the time required for each task on our plate. I recommend writing down the amount of time you'll need, then double it. For example, if your task takes 25 mins, block off 45mins. This way, you have built-in buffer time if things take longer than expected. By being realistic about the time you need, you can set yourself up for success instead of failure.

Reason #3: Try to do too many things at once

In my opinion, most people fail at time management because they try to do too many things. They try to fit too much work, social obligations, and personal hobbies into their schedule. Instead of enjoying their hobbies or spending time with loved ones, they are constantly stressed out and rushing from one thing to the next. This is not a sustainable way to live. If you want to be successful at time management, you need to learn to say no. You need to set boundaries and priorities. Otherwise, you will never have the time to truly enjoy your life.

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Reason #4: No routine

If you're like most people, your day is filled with a never-ending to-do list. From taking the kids to soccer practice to getting the groceries, it can be hard to find time for everything. That's where routines come in. Having a set routine can help you effectively manage your time by ensuring that you don't waste time on tasks that aren't important. Plus, routines can help reduce stress and increase productivity. For example, if you know you need to pick up the dry cleaning on Tuesday afternoon, you can schedule your other errands around that task. Or, if you have a regular bedtime routine, you'll be more likely to get a good night's sleep. Routines may not be exciting, but they can be incredibly helpful in managing your time. So next time your to-do list feels overwhelming, try setting some routines to help you get organized and get things done.

Related Article: 7 Ways To Optimize Your Daily Routines For Maximum Productivity

Reason #5: They Procrastinate

One of the most common reasons why people fail at time management is because they procrastinate. Procrastination can take many forms, from putting off important tasks to filling up your schedule with busy work. Regardless of the cause, procrastination can have a major impact on your ability to get things done. When you procrastinate, you often end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which can lead to even more procrastination. In order to be successful, it’s important to learn how to manage your time effectively and avoid procrastination. One way to do this is to set realistic goals and deadlines. If you have a specific goal in mind, it will be easier to stay focused and motivated.

Reason #6: They're not good at saying no

Those who struggle with time management often say yes too frequently, leading them down the path of being unproductive in every aspect of life - personal and professional. When you have too many commitments, it can be hard to prioritize what's most important; because you're spending all your energy trying not just to meet your obligations but also to juggle multiple tasks at once without getting overwhelmed or behind on anything. They're not good at saying no because they want to be a people pleaser. They think that being a people pleaser will be well-received by everyone, but in reality, this causes a lot of stress and time pressure. They're spreading themselves too thin, and they cannot focus on the important things.

Sometimes, the best way to say no is with a little spice.

Here are five ways to do just that:

1. "I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time."

This question is a classic response that can be used in almost any situation. It's polite yet firm and lets the other person know you're not interested in whatever they're asking.

2. "Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm just not interested."

This question is a great way to turn down invitations or requests you're not interested in. It shows that you appreciate the gesture but do not desire to participate.

3. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm going to have to decline."

This question is a great way to say no to unsolicited offers or requests. It's polite and thankful, yet still makes it clear that you're not interested.

4. "No, thank you."

Sometimes, the simplest response is the best response. This two-word answer is assertive and clear without being rude or offensive.

Reason #7: Multitasking

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to try to do too much at once. But multitasking can actually lead to poor time management and leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. When you're trying to juggle multiple tasks, your brain has to rapidly switch back and forth between them. This can lead to mistakes and make it difficult to focus on one thing. Additionally, multitasking can lead to information overload, as you try to take in too much at once. Studies have shown that multitasking decreases productivity by up to 40%. Rather than trying to do everything at once, it's better to focus on one task at a time. By giving your full attention to each task, you'll be able to work more efficiently and get more done in less time. So the next time you're feeling bogged down by your To Do list, take a deep breath and focus on one thing at a time. You'll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish.

Reason #8: Failing to manage distractions

When you're constantly being pulled away from what you're trying to do, it's difficult to stay on track. As a result, you may find yourself wasting time as you try to reconnect with your original task. Additionally, chronic distractions can lead to increased stress levels and decreased productivity. If you're constantly starting and stopping tasks, it's difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. In order to be successful, it's important to learn how to manage distractions and stay focused on what's important. There are a number of ways to reduce distractions and improve your focus. One strategy is to set aside specific times for task-based work. By designating periods of time for deep work, you can minimize the chances of being interrupted. Additionally, it's important to create an environment that supports concentration. If possible, avoid working in areas where there are lots of people or other potential sources of distraction. By understanding the role that distractions play in time management, you can take steps to improve your focus and achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life.

Reason #9: They don't prioritize 

They don't prioritize time management and time management systems which means they have a lot of time yet nothing to do with it. They have a tendency to engage in time-wasting activities that leaves them feeling even more frustrated. They blame time management when they lose opportunities or miss deadlines instead of learning.  If you don't prioritize, you're bound to fail at time management. It's simple: if you don't know what's important, you can't possibly manage your time effectively. That's why prioritizing is so essential to success. When you take the time to figure out what's most important, you can focus your energy on those things and get better results. Additionally, when you have a clear priority list, it's easier to say no to distractions and time-wasters. So if you want to be successful at time management, make sure that you always put priority first. Take time to prioritize and plan. Leverage the various time management tools.  OKRs are a great way to effectively manage your time. Get Access to your Free OKR toolkit HERE

Reason #10: Focus on being busy vs. Being effective

We live in a world that celebrates busyness. We wear our exhaustion like a badge of honor, bragging about how little sleep we got or how many hours we worked this week. But just because we're busy doesn't necessarily mean we're being productive. In fact, many of us are skilled at keeping ourselves busy without actually accomplishing anything of consequence. "The difference between being busy and being effective is that when you're effective, you're getting things done that move you closer to your goals." Being effective requires focus, discipline, and a willingness to prioritize our time and energy. It's not about doing more; it's about doing the right things. And that's something we can all benefit from.

Related Article: Why “Busy” Isn’t the Same Thing as “Productive”

Bonus Reason #11: Not Taking Breaks

One of the time management mistakes that many people make is not taking a break. This can be counterproductive because it will make you less productive overall. A study done by Draugiem Group, shared that our brains weren’t built to focus for 8 hours. When you work for an extended period of time without a break, you are more likely to make mistakes. When you take a break, your brain will have time to recharge and be ready for work when it comes time to get back. Breaks are necessary for your productivity to last, so don't skip time-outs.

Reflection zone: Questions to ask yourself when you’re struggling with time management

Here are four questions to ask yourself that can help you get a handle on your time management:

1. What are my priorities?

When it comes to time management, clarity is key. You need to know your priorities to focus your time and energy on the things that matter most. So ask yourself: What are my top priorities? What is most important to me? Once you have a clear sense of your priorities, you can start tackling them one by one.

2. How can I eliminate distractions?

Distractions are the enemy of productivity. If you're trying to manage your time, it's important to eliminate anything that might pull your attention away from the task at hand. So take a look at your surroundings and ask yourself: How can I make my environment more conducive to concentration? How can I eliminate distractions like email, social media, and phone calls?

3. What are my procrastination triggers?

We all have things that we tend to procrastinate on. But if you want to manage your time effectively, it's essential to identify your procrastination triggers and find ways to overcome them. So ask yourself: What tasks do I tend to put off? What makes me hesitant to start these tasks? Once you know your procrastination triggers, you can begin developing strategies for overcoming them.

4. How can I delegate or outsource some tasks?

One of the best ways to manage your time is by delegating or outsourcing some of your tasks. So ask yourself: What tasks can I delegate or outsource? Who can I trust with these tasks? This question can be a great way to free up time to focus on the things that matter most to you. Once you have a plan for delegation or outsourcing, you'll be able to focus more on the most important tasks.


Most people fail at time management because they try to do too many things at once, don’t have a plan or system in place, and don’t take care of themselves. If you can avoid these common traps, you will be well on your way to managing your time like a boss. And if you need some help getting started, we are here for you. Schedule a free Clarity Edge call, and let us show you how easy it is to get more done in less time. Thanks for reading!

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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