Simplify to Thrive |10 tips to save 3-5 hours every week

Simplify to Thrive | 10 tips to save 3-5 hours every week

Simplify to Thrive |10 tips to save 3-5 hours every week

Being a leader is hard enough as it is. Every day, there are a million and one things to do, and it can often feel like you're playing catch-up. The good news is that you can do some simple things to save time every week.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life. I do this through proven high-perfomance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

By implementing just a few of these tips, you can easily save 3-5 hours every week, giving you more time to focus on the things that matter most to you.

1. How to save 3-5 hours every week | simplify your strategy

You can save 2-4 hours every week in your business by simplifying your strategy. Too often, leaders try to tackle too many things at once, leading to a scattered approach that doesn't produce results. By focusing on your core strategies, you can streamline your efforts and see a significant return on investment. In addition, by leveraging technology, you can automate routine tasks and free up even more time to focus on your top priorities. By simplifying your strategy, you can easily save 2-4 hours every week - time that can be better spent growing your business.

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2. How to save 3-5 hours every week |Put together a weekly plan for yourself

Simplify your life or business by putting together a weekly plan for yourself. This may sound like a lot of work, but it's actually quite simple. First, sit down and map out what you need to do for the week. Then, create a schedule for yourself and block out time for each task. Finally, make sure to stick to your schedule and don't overbook yourself. By creating a weekly plan, you'll be able to focus on one task at a time and avoid multitasking. This will help you save time and energy while also ensuring that you get more done.

3. How to save 3-5 hours every week |Track Your Time - Impossible to manage what you don't understand

One way to save time in your life or business is to track your time. This means knowing how much time you spend on each task and where you could spend less time. There are a few ways to do this:

1. Use a time-tracking app:

There are tons of great apps out there that can help you track your time. 1Password, Toggl, and RescueTime are all great options.

2. Keep a time log:

If you prefer not to use an app, you can keep a simple time log in a Google Doc or Excel spreadsheet. Just make sure to update it regularly!

3. Use a physical timer:

If you're struggling to stay on task, set a timer for each task and see how long it takes you to complete it. A physical timer will help you understand where you can speed things up.

Once you start tracking your time, you'll be surprised how much of it you actually have! You may even find that you have more than 2-4 hours per week that you can save by being more efficient with your time. So give it a try and see how much extra free time you can create for yourself!

4. How to save 3-5 hours every week | Batch Similar Tasks Together

Are you someone who feels like they're always behind the eight ball? Are you constantly playing catch up, with never enough time to get everything done? If so, consider batching. Batching is a productivity technique that involves doing similar tasks together in a short period of time. For example, if you need to write several emails, you would write them all at once instead of writing one every time you need to send one. There are many benefits to batching, including saving time and increasing efficiency.

Batching can be especially helpful for busy moms or leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs juggling many different tasks. By batching, you can ensure you're using your time wisely and getting things done more efficiently. When done correctly, batching can help you feel more organized and in control of your life. So if you're looking for a way to boost your productivity, consider giving batching a try!

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5. How to save 3-5 hours every week|Delegate, delegate, delegate!

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is trying to do everything themselves. There are many benefits to delegating tasks to your team members. For one, it allows you to focus on more important responsibilities. Additionally, it empowers your team members and helps them to develop new skills. Moreover, delegation can increase efficiency and productivity within your team. By delegating tasks, you are effectively utilizing the strengths of each team member and ensuring that the work gets done in a timely and efficient manner. Lastly, delegation is a sign of trust. When you delegate tasks to your team members, you are demonstrating faith in their abilities and giving them the opportunity to show what they are capable of. In sum, delegation is an essential leadership tool that can benefit you and your team. If there's something someone else on your team can handle just as well (or even better) than you can, let them take care of it!

6. How to save 3-5 hours every week | Invest in automation tools

I'm a big fan of automation tools because they help me get more done in less time. Technology is fantastic, and there are many ways you can use it to automate tedious tasks in your business. For example, there are now programs that can help with accounting, social media scheduling, customer relations management, and more. Do some research and find out which automation tools would be most helpful for your business—you'll be glad you did! Here are some of my current favorite automation tools...

Funnel Gorgeous is my favorite tool for creating sales funnels because it's easy to use and has many great features. Plus, the customer service is fantastic! Plann is my favorite social media scheduling tool because it helps me keep my posts organized, and I can schedule them in advance, so I can remember to post. Asana is my favorite project management tool because it helps me stay on track and see all my tasks in one place. I love these tools because they make my life easier and help me be more productive.

7. How to save 3-5 hours every week |Create and leverage Templates

Creating templates for the things you do regularly can eliminate the need to start from scratch every time. This will free up valuable time that you can use for other tasks. Creating templates is easy. Start by identifying the type of content you typically make. For example, if you frequently send email responses, create a template for those. Or, if you're constantly creating social media updates, create a template for that as well. Once you've identified the types of content, you typically make, start brainstorming how to streamline the process. By thinking through the steps in creating each type of content, you can identify areas where a template would be helpful.

Once you've created your templates, it's time to start leveraging them. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to create similar content regularly, reach for your templates. Not only will this save you time in the short term, but it will also help to improve the quality of your work in the long run. With templates, you can be sure that your content is consistent and error-free - freeing up more of your valuable time in the process.

8. How to save 3-5 hours every week | Simplify your to-do list

Ever get to the end of the day and feel like you haven't accomplished anything? If your to-do list is a mile long, it's no wonder. Studies show that writing a to-do list daily can save you 2-4 hours each week. Of course, this assumes that your to-do list is doable. Otherwise, it's just a recipe for frustration. So how do you create a to-do list that will save you time instead of wasting it? The key is to keep it short and sweet. Choose 3-5 tasks that are truly essential and focus on those. The rest can wait. You may also want to consider batching similar tasks together to make better use of your time. For example, if you need to make a few phone calls, do them all at once instead of spacing them out throughout the day. Streamlining your to-do list will save valuable time that you can use for other things... like taking a break!

Bonus Tips for those you who love examples…

1. First, prioritize the 3-5 tasks that will have the biggest impact on your business or life. For me, that task is usually coaching sessions or creating new products.

2. Next, delegate or outsource tasks you don't have time for. For example, I outsource my social media marketing to a virtual assistant.

3. Finally, make sure to schedule some downtime for yourself! This may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks is one of the best ways to boost your productivity in the long run. 

9. How to save 3-5 hours every week | Organize your day in 50/10 time blocks

If you want to be productive, you need to learn how to organize your day. And what better way to do that than with 50/10 time blocks? This system is simple: for 50 minutes, you focus on a single task and then take a 10-minute break. That's it! By working in short bursts, you can avoid burnout and stay focused on your task. Additionally, taking breaks every 50 minutes helps to refresh your mind and body, so you'll be able to work more efficiently when you return to your task. This method of time management is especially beneficial for entrepreneurs, moms, and women leaders who often wear many hats and don't have a lot of time to themselves. If you're looking for a way to save 5 hours a week, try structuring your day into 50/10 time blocks.

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10. How to save 3-5 hours every week |create and leverage workflows

There's no denying that our world is increasingly driven by technology. From how we communicate with one another to how we do business, it's clear that tech is here to stay. As a result, it's more important than ever to understand how to leverage workflows. By definition, a workflow is "a series of procedural steps used to complete a task." In other words, it's a set of instructions you can follow to complete a task more efficiently.

When it comes to workflows, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure that your workflow is as simple and streamlined as possible. The last thing you want is a complicated process that takes forever to complete.

  2. Automate as much as you can. Technology is meant to make our lives easier, so take advantage of it!

  3. Remember that not all workflows are created equal.

What works for one person might not work for another, so tailor your workflow to your own needs. Creating and leveraging workflows can save you over 5 hours, giving you more time to do things that bring you joy. 


Implementing even a few of these tips can help save you 2-4 hours every week in your life or business! By being intentional about your time use, delegating where possible, and investing in automation tools, you can free up your valuable time to focus on the things that matter most to you—both in your business and your personal life. So what are you waiting for? Try implementing some of these tips today and see how much easier running your business can be! And don't forget to download our Level Up and THRIVE EASY Checklist, which will help you help you achieve your goals with less hustle and more flow.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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