How Do I Stop overthinking: 6 High-Impact ways


How Do I Stop overthinking: 6 High-Impact ways

We all know that overthinking can lead to paralysis by analysis and a lot of wasted time and energy. How often have you started something with great enthusiasm but then let your thoughts get the best of you and stopped short of completing it? How many opportunities have you missed out on because you couldn't make a decision? 

Hi, my name is Felecia Etienne, and I am a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business and Life Strategist for ambitious female entrepreneurs and professionals. I equip overwhelmed, stressed-out bosses to maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

Overthinking can feel like a never-ending cycle of doubt and worry. It can be exhausting and overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

This blog will share six high-impact ways to stop overthinking and take action.

 1. Recognize when you're overthinking.

We've all been there. We're in the middle of a project at work, or maybe we're trying to parent our kids through a challenging situation, and our minds won't stop racing. We start to overthink everything - what if this happens, what if that happens? Soon, we're so wrapped up in our heads that it's impossible to focus on anything else. If you find yourself in this situation, it's important to recognize when you're overthinking. Once you've identified the problem, you can use a few simple strategies to get out of your head and back on track. First, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can handle whatever comes your way. Second, focus on the present moment and let go of the past or future. Lastly, practice some self-compassion - cut yourself some slack and remember that you're human. If you can find a way to relax and accept yourself, it'll be easier to move on from your overthinking.

2. Challenge your thoughts.

Take a step back and ask yourself if your thoughts are true. Are you overthinking because you're afraid of something or doubt yourself? When you question your thoughts, it can help you see them for what they are- just thoughts. Many of the thoughts we have during overthinking are irrational and not based on reality. Challenging these thoughts can help to reduce their power over you. Ask yourself if your thoughts are based on reality and if they're helpful. If they're not, then try to let them go.

3. Make a decision.

One of the biggest problems with overthinking is that it can lead to paralysis by analysis. You may feel like you need to make the perfect decision before taking any action. This is not only impossible, but it's also counterproductive. Even if it's not the perfect one, making a decision is better than making no decision at all. When you make a decision, you're taking a step forward and moving closer to your goal. Plus, you can always change your mind later if you decide that the original decision was wrong.

4. Take action.

The best way to stop overthinking is to take action. Action can help to dispel the fear and self-doubt that often accompanies overthinking. When you take action, you're moving closer to your goal and getting closer to a solution. When you take action, you're also proving that you can do it. This can help to reduce your anxiety and build your confidence. Plus, when you take action, you're learning and growing. This is an essential part of personal growth and development.

5. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness can be a great way to stop overthinking. When you're mindful, you're paying attention to the present moment. This can help you focus on what's happening right now and avoid getting lost in your thoughts. When you're mindful, you're also accepting things as they are. This can help you reduce the judgment and criticism that often accompanies overthinking. Mindfulness can be practiced in various ways, including meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi.

6. Build resilience.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It's an important quality to have if you want to stop overthinking. When you're resilient, you can cope with difficult situations and move on from them. Building resilience takes time and effort, but it's worth it. Resilient people are less likely to overthink because they know they can handle whatever comes their way. There are a few things that you can do to build resilience, including exercise, journaling, and spending time with positive people.


Overthinking is something that we all do from time to time. Overthinking is often characterized by a constant internal monologue, rumination on past events, worrying about future outcomes, and an inability to focus on the present moment. If you find yourself doing these things, you're likely overthinking. Recognizing when you're doing it is the first step to stopping it. Building your resilience is a positive step in the right direction. Don't forget to get your free Level Up & Thrive Resilience Toolkit, So try out these six tips to help you get started. When it comes to overthinking, Prevention is better than cure! So try out these five tips to help you get started.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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