The Top 10 Ways to Boost Confidence as a High Performing Leader


The Top 10 Ways to Boost Confidence as a High-Performing Leader

If you're a high performer, it can be lonely at the top. You have an immense sense of responsibility when it comes to leading your team – and that pressure can easily lead to some serious self-doubt. It's ok to feel overwhelmed or lost sometimes, but too much negative self-talk or doubt will only hinder your performance as a leader. Finding ways to boost Confidence isn't easy - but with just a few simple strategies, you could be unstoppable!

If we haven’t already met, Hi, my name is Felecia Etienne, and I am a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business and Life Strategist for ambitious female entrepreneurs and professionals. I equip overwhelmed, stressed-out bosses to maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

Read on for my top 10 tips on pushing through the nagging doubts and taking charge of your success as a high-performing leader.

Here are ten tips that have helped me throughout my career.

1) Confidence Tip: Identify your strengths and focus on them

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Napoleon Hill

If you want to tap into your inner confidence and feel empowered, start by understanding who you are and what makes you unique. What are your greatest strengths? What sets your heart on fire? Being aware of what makes you special and being intentional about accentuating those elements is the first step towards feeling great about yourself. It's all about knowing that you have something special to give; perhaps it’s a funny sense of humor, a passion for writing, or empathy for others — whatever it is, don’t hide it! Celebrate it! Show the world who you really are and be proud of your quirks and attributes, whatever they may be! Focusing on your strengths is key in building confidence — no need to pretend to be perfect: feeling confident means accepting your weaknesses too.

✅Key Confidence Takeaways:  

Building up your Confidence can be intimidating, but in reality, all it takes is understanding - and recognizing - your strengths. Everyone has something unique to offer, and these strengths are essential for enabling us to develop our self-confidence. Identifying your strengths allows you to become empowered by what you offer and provides the foundations for building a more confident version of yourself.

2) Confidence Tip: Give yourself permission to make mistakes

“You need to give yourself permission to be human.” Joyce Brothers

Believe it or not, by giving yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them, you're actually taking a step toward building strong confidence. The truth is that when we worry about making the wrong decision or experiencing failure, we consume ourselves with what could go wrong and take steps to minimize potential loss. Although this approach might be effective in certain situations, fear is our ultimate enemy when trying to build internal assurance and self-worth. Instead of playing it safe and doing the same things as everybody else, if we embrace opportunities that involve learning something new and creating unique experiences, confidence will flourish naturally - even in the face of mistakes!

✅Key Confidence Takeaways:

Confidence is an invaluable asset and can be the difference between achieving success and not. Learning from mistakes is the key when it comes to developing lasting confidence, as taking risks can provide us with important life lessons. Nobody's perfect, so do not beat yourself up for making mistakes – just take them in your stride and move on. Do not let what others think of you define who you are or determine your self-worth; instead, be comfortable in your own skin and gain confidence from the fact that you are good at what you do. Taking risks and learning from mistakes makes all the difference!

3) Confidence Tip: Make confidence contagious

“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” Vince Lombardi

Confidence can be contagious - just like a virus! Spread it around with a confident, positive attitude no matter where you go. After all, the only way to become more confident is to put yourself out there and be unafraid of what might happen. Practice having an empowering and fearless mindset by speaking up in meetings, socializing with new people, and taking on extra responsibility at work or school. For example, you can show others how to interact confidently and use their strengths to their advantage. Give yourself permission to spark confidence in the people around you and see it grow exponentially!

✅Key Confidence Takeaways:

Have you ever noticed that when one person is confident, it naturally inspires others to be more confident too? That's why making confidence contagious is such a great tip. Take the opportunity to surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who will help raise your own confidence while you help boost theirs. Not only will this create an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere among everyone involved, but you'll quickly notice a positive change in your self-confidence as well. Build each other up so we can move mountains together!

4) Confidence Tip: Find your confidence zone

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius

It's natural to feel confident in some situations and less secure in others - but finding your confidence zone is all about understanding the value of your own work. For me, giving a presentation was always something I was confident doing, while networking was much more challenging. After all, when you’re surrounded by people who make more money than you do, the last thing you usually feel is empowered! But one day, it hit me – confidence isn’t about how much you make or what job title is displayed on your business card; it’s all about understanding how you see yourself and believing in the value of your work. And just like that, my attitude towards networking changed, and I found myself feeling as confident as I did when delivering an inspiring presentation to an audience who truly appreciates the material. If we can find our confidence zone through this level of self-awareness and understanding, then no ‘networking event’ nor career transition can stand in our way!

✅Key Confidence Takeaways:

Don't be afraid to take risks and unknown paths – this is essential in finding your confidence zone. Embrace the journey and remember no matter what the outcome, a confident attitude will help you learn, grow and overcome any challenge that comes your way!

5) Confidence Tip: Know when to stand up for yourself

“If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.” H. G. Wells

Knowing when to stand up for yourself is one of those great life lessons that will serve you well in all kinds of situations. It doesn’t mean you need to be loud, pushy, and aggressive - quite the contrary! Having confidence in your own ability to handle a situation means calmly asserting yourself clearly. Whether it’s providing feedback to a coworker or asking for what you need from a family member, having the courage and conviction to speak your truth in an appropriate manner can make all the difference. Standing up for yourself is not about being confrontational; it’s about expressing your needs authentically with power and kindness.

✅Key Confidence Takeaway: 

Believing in yourself is the ultimate key to success! As long as you’re standing up for what you believe in and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you’re on the right track. Trust your intuition, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – no one is perfect. Knowing when to take a stand for yourself will help create an unshakable foundation of self-confidence that will stay with you through any situation.

6) Confidence Tip: Celebrate your successes

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey

Not every challenge has to be difficult. The most successful people often know when and how to celebrate small wins. Celebrating your successes, big or small, is an important part of developing confidence. It reinforces the idea that you are capable of achieving your goals and helps build momentum for the next one. Each time you accomplish something, take time to recognize and appreciate the effort it took. This could be anything from revising a chapter in your thesis to running a 5K! These little wins add up to make bigger successes down the road – and they also help you remember that confidence is not only attainable but also essential for long-term growth.

✅Key Confidence Takeaway: 

Confidence is built over time through small successes, and celebrating these wins can help you to stay motivated and empowered. Every accomplishment should be celebrated – no matter how big or small – as this will reinforce that you are capable of succeeding and continuing to grow in your chosen field. With each success, confidence blossoms, and soon you will be asserting your own worth without any doubt! ​

7) Confidence Tip: Make connections

“Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have." Brian Tracy

No success is ever achieved alone, so it’s important to recognize the importance of building strong relationships and connecting with others in your industry. In networking events, online forums, conferences, or even just through mutual acquaintances, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself and make lasting connections – all while demonstrating a high level of confidence! Making meaningful connections is not only great for advancing your career, but it can also help you to build your confidence – the more people who believe in you and what you can do, the better!

✅Key Confidence Takeaway:   

Making meaningful connections with others in your chosen field is essential for building confidence. When you're surrounded by positive people who believe in your abilities, it's easier to have faith in yourself and what you can achieve. Networking is not only important for advancing your career, but it also gives you the opportunity to share your skills and experiences with like-minded people – which can be a huge confidence boost! So make sure to take every chance you get to reach out and connect with others in your field. Who knows where it might take you!

8) Confidence Tip: Avoid negative self-talk.

"Everything you'll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body." Dan Millman

We all struggle with having low Confidence at some point, and it's natural for us to start putting ourselves down and thinking about our perceived weaknesses. But ultimately, this will only make matters worse. Instead, one of the best ways to shore up your self-confidence is by recognizing the small wins in life. When your Confidence is high, list 3 things you like about yourself and why – taking stock of your successes! And if you're feeling particularly ambitious, why not keep a daily Confidence log? This could include everything from networking successes to general well-being: it all adds up! So remember - be kind to yourself and recognize those little wins - it might give your Confidence the boost it needs.

✅Key Confidence Takeaway: 

If you're struggling with Confidence, taking control of your thoughts and feelings is essential. A fantastic way to do this is to log three things you like about yourself each day and why. This will help you train your brain to recognize the qualities that make you unique so that you'll be better equipped to lift yourself back up again when self-doubt comes crashing down.

9) Confidence Tip: Don't hold yourself to impossibly high standards

“You have competition every day because you set such high standards for yourself that you have to go out every day and live up to that.” Michael Jordan

Rather than putting impossibly high expectations on yourself, focus on doing your best with the skills and resources you have. You don't have to be perfect at everything; if you strive for excellence and work hard, there's nothing wrong with falling short occasionally. Everyone makes mistakes, and there's always room for growth; taking calculated risks is essential to develop yourself further and honing your craft. You don't have to be an expert at something to try it. The key is not to be afraid of failure or success - learn from the experience and move forward with courage and self-belief. So don't hold yourself back, aim for progress instead of perfection, and remember that whatever happens, you'll never regret trying.

✅ Key Confidence Takeaway: 

Confidence is often thought of as a pinnacle that some of us are far from ever reaching. But if there's anything to be said about it, it's this: don't strive for perfection when believing in yourself. Too often, the pressure to be perfect causes more anxiety than anything else. Instead, shift your focus towards achieving progress, not perfection - and Confidence will slowly come into play.

10) Confidence Tip: Confidence comes from action.

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect…Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.” Mark Victor Hansen, author

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the concept of self-confidence, but it's really just a matter of taking action. Showing up and doing something - anything - is often enough to improve your own confidence in yourself. Whether it’s joining an organization related to your field or networking with professionals, do what you can to put yourself out there. Take the initiative to create new opportunities for growth and challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Above all, remember that confidence is built with consistency - persist in taking small steps toward your goals, and before you know it, you'll find yourself feeling more confident than ever!

✅Key Confidence Takeaway:

Confidence is built from consistent actions, not just from thinking positively. Taking initiative and putting yourself out there by finding ways to challenge and grow are excellent methods for building confidence. Start small with manageable steps and continually work on taking action in order to develop self-belief. With each step taken, you'll start to notice an increase in your confidence and a positive shift in your perspective. So don't be afraid to take the leap - you'll find that with each step taken, you can get ever closer to reaching your goals.

11) Confidence Tip: Practice Gratitude

Being confident doesn't just mean having a swagger in your walk; it means feeling genuinely appreciative about everything you can and can do in life. To practice gratitude intentionally and gain that Confidence, it's helpful to start a "gratitude journal." It takes a few minutes each day to jot down three things you're grateful for. These could be anything from your fantastic group of friends to being able to call for help when you need it. Not only does express thankfulness assist in turning your frown upside down, but it also helps you better understand and recognize your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may seem! So why not let yourself savor those successes and boost your Confidence today by keeping track of the good stuff?

"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." Tony Robbins

✅Key Confidence Takeaway: 

Achieving Confidence is a process, and you'll likely have days where yours isn't as high as you'd like it to be. In these instances, having a gratitude journal can be just the reminder needed to help keep us on track. Not only does it allow you to express appreciation for all of the beautiful things we already have in our lives – both big and small – but this simple act of recording our gratitude also takes us out of the mindset of focusing purely on what is wrong and leaves us more open to fill our minds with joy and positivity. The importance of a gratitude journal cannot be overstated, not just in terms of helping build our self-confidence but also as an exercise in discovering ways to live better, happier lives.


Building confidence as a high-performing woman entrepreneur or leader is an important way to ensure success and make big, lasting changes in the business world. As this blog post has suggested, there are many ways to start building confidence today - from challenging negative thoughts to being kind to yourself to validating your successes - that women entrepreneurs and leaders can adopt in order to achieve their goals. Ultimately, allowing yourself to succeed — and embracing failure when it occurs — are vital steps on the path toward building self-confidence. By using these strategies together, you will be more prepared than ever to maximize your natural abilities, lead confidently and become empowered as a woman entrepreneur or leader. It’s time to take charge of your career! If you’re ready to take the next step on your journey towards enhanced confidence and unmatched success as a female leader or entrepreneur, let’s get started – schedule your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today!

P.S. Grab my Thrive Easy Checklist…⬇️


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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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