Top 9 obstacles killing your productivity | How to overcome it and THRIVE


As entrepreneurs and leaders, we are constantly striving to be more productive. We want to get more done in less time to have more freedom and flexibility in our lives. However, there are a number of obstacles that can prevent us from being as productive as we'd like to be.

There's no question that productivity is important to leaders and entrepreneurs. After all, if you're not productive, you can't get anything done! But what many people don't realize is that maximizing your productivity isn't just about getting more work done. It's also about setting an example for your team and creating a culture of productivity that will help everyone achieve their goals.

For me, maximizing my productivity has always been key to success. As a mom and business owner, I know I can't afford to waste time or energy. And when I focus on being productive, it helps me get more done and makes me feel more in control of my life and business.

Of course, there are times when being productive is harder than others. That's why it's so important to have a system that works for you and know the top productivity killers that could stand in your way of success.

In this blog, I'll outline the nine most common and share tips on overcoming them. Read on to learn how you can start thriving despite these obstacles!

Here are the top 9 obstacles killing your productivity and how to overcome it:

#1. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity | Not Having a Plan for The Day

We've all been there: it's 10 am, and you're staring at our computer screen, trying to will yourself to be productive. But for some reason, you can't seem to get started. Hours later, you find yourself still in the same spot, feeling frustrated and wondering where the day went.

The root of the problem is often that you don't have a plan for how to spend your time. Without a clear idea of what you need to do, it's too easy to get sidetracked and end up wasting the day.

Fortunately, we can do a few simple things to overcome this productivity killer.

Here are three strategies to help you effectively plan your day:

1. Take a few minutes at the end of the day or at the beginning of the day to write down what you need to accomplish. This will help you focus and stay on track.

2. Break down your tasks into small, manageable steps. Trying to do too much at once can be overwhelming, so breaking things down into bite-sized pieces is important.

3. Give yourself some flexibility. Your plan for the day may not always go according to plan, and that's okay! If something comes up or you find yourself getting stuck, don't be afraid to adjust your plan accordingly.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that each day is productive and successful.

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#2. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity | Too much multitasking

Let's face it; we're all guilty of multitasking from time to time. Whether we're trying to juggle work and family responsibilities or get through our never-ending to-do list, there are moments when it feels like we're spinning plates. However, multitasking can be detrimental to our productivity and well-being. Research has shown that too much multitasking can kill your productivity. When you try to do too many things at once, your brain becomes overwhelmed, and you start to make mistakes. In addition, multitasking can lead to information overload, causing you to miss important details.

If you're looking to overcome the temptation of multitasking, here are three tips that may help:

1. Set priorities and stick to them. When you have a million things vying for your attention, it can be tough to know where to start. That's why it's essential to set priorities and focus on the most important tasks first. Make a list of everything that needs to be done and then rank the tasks in order of importance. Starting with the most important task will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed.

2. Take breaks. Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks can help improve your productivity. Trying to do too much at once will only lead to burnout. When you feel yourself starting to lose focus, take a break. Step away from your work and take a few deep breaths. Taking a few minutes to clear your head will help you come back refreshed and ready to tackle your tasks.

3. Simplify your life. One of the best ways to overcome multitasking is to simplify your life so that you have less on your plate. Evaluate your commitments and only say "yes" to the things that are truly important to you. You may find that by streamlining your life, you have more time and energy for the things that matter most.

#3. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity | Perfectionism

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do a good job, but Perfectionism is your enemy when it comes to productivity. When you're trying to be perfect, you spend too much time on one task and not enough time on the others. Perfectionism can lead to frustration and burnout, ultimately sabotaging your productivity.

As an entrepreneur, you're probably used to being a go-getter. You're constantly striving to reach the next level and achieve perfection in all that you do. But you may not realize that your Perfectionism is killing your productivity.

Here are three tips to help you overcome your Perfectionism and get more done:

1. Embrace Self-Compassion: One of the biggest hurdles to productivity is self-doubt. When you constantly doubt your abilities, getting anything done is hard. The key is to embrace self-compassion. Cut yourself some slack and be okay with making mistakes.

2. Become Aware of Your Tendencies toward Perfectionism: Overcoming Perfectionism is becoming aware of your tendencies. Do you find yourself getting bogged down in the details? Do you spend too much time on one task and not enough on others? Once you're aware of your patterns, you can start to make changes.

3. Understand the difference between Perfectionism and Excellence:

The difference between Perfectionism and excellence is that, with excellence, you're striving to do your best and be your best, whereas, with Perfectionism, we strive for an unattainably high standard. With excellence, we accept that there will always be room for improvement – we can always learn more and do better. But with Perfectionism, you believe it's a failure if something isn't perfect. We beat ourselves up for not being perfect, which can lead to many problems, including anxiety, depression, and burnout.

So why strive for excellence instead of Perfectionism? Because striving for excellence is achievable and sustainable. It's a journey you can enjoy rather than a destination that's impossible to reach. It's a mindset that will help you stay productive, even when things get tough.

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#4. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity | Procrastination

Ah, Procrastination. The bane of our existence, the thief of time, the enemy of productivity. We've all been there – putting off a project or task until the last possible minute. But why do we do it? Is it simply laziness, or is there more to it than that?

There are a number of reasons why we tend to procrastinate. Sometimes, it's simply a matter of not wanting to do something that we find unpleasant or challenging. We'd instead put it off than deal with it head-on. Other times, it may be that we're afraid of failure – if we don't start, then we can't fail. And sometimes, we may just be trying to stall for time because we're not sure how to proceed. Whatever the reason, Procrastination is a frustrating habit that can have negative consequences on our lives and businesses.

Here are three tips to help you overcome your Procrastination and get more done:

1. Understand what is causing it: The first step is to understand what causes it. For some people, Procrastination may be caused by fear of failure or Perfectionism. Others may procrastinate because they don't know where to start or feel overwhelmed by the task. Understanding your triggers can help you find strategies to overcome them. For example, if you tend to procrastinate because you're afraid of failing, try breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Or, if you find yourself overwhelmed, try setting a timer for just five minutes and see how much you can get done in that short time. Overcoming Procrastination is possible with a bit of self-awareness and effort. Just take it one step at a time.

2. Crystalize Your Why: Start by identifying you're why. What is your motivation for wanting to achieve this goal? When you know why staying motivated and on track will be easier. Then, make a plan. Break down your goal into small, achievable steps. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed. Finally, take action. Take one small step towards your goal every day. Even if it's just a tiny step, it's essential to keep moving forward. Remember, progress is not always linear. Some days you will make significant strides, and other days you will take two steps back. But if you keep taking action, you will reach your goal.

3. Celebrate your wins along the way: Don't wait until you've achieved your goal to celebrate. Instead, reward yourself for every small accomplishment along the way. This will help you stay motivated and on track. You can even set up a system of rewards for yourself so that you have something to look forward to as you work towards your goal.

#5. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity |  Not Setting Boundaries

We've all been there before. You're in the zone, on a roll, and suddenly, someone interrupts you with a question that could have easily been answered by looking it up themselves. And just like that, your productivity is shot. It can be frustrating to try and stay focused when you're constantly being pulled in different directions; that's where boundaries come in.

Here are three ways to overcome the productivity killer of not setting boundaries:

1. Recognize where you need boundaries. This is different for everyone, but some common areas where people tend to need boundaries are with family, friends, and significant others. Think about areas of your life where you feel overwhelmed or like you're constantly giving without receiving anything in return. These are probably areas where you need to set some boundaries.

2. Set your boundaries. Have a conversation with the people in your life or business with whom you feel you need to set boundaries. Explain what you're struggling with and what kinds of support or space you need from them. This can be difficult, but it's important to be clear about what you need from others. It's also important to be realistic about your expectations. People are not mind readers, so don't expect them to know what you need automatically - be clear and direct in your request.

3. Stick to your boundaries.

This is probably the hardest part, but sticking to your boundaries is important. If you've set a boundary, don't let others cross it. If you're working on something that requires your full attention, let the person know that you'll be available after you finish what you're working on. They'll appreciate your honesty and respect your time. People will respect you more for it in the long run.

Related Article: Why Setting Boundaries is so damn important (and how to do it right)

#6. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity |  Not giving up the need to control:

If you're like most women entrepreneurs, you wear a lot of hats. You're your company's CEO, CFO, and COO; all rolled into one. And you wouldn't have it any other way. After all, who knows your business better than you do? But there comes a time when continuing to try to control everything can start to take its toll. You become bogged down in the details, struggling to keep up with the big picture. Your productivity suffers, and your business starts to suffer as a result.

So how can you overcome this common trap? Here are four tips:

1. Mentor and develop your team: One of the best ways to overcome the need to control is to delegate and trust others to get the job done. But in order to do that, you need to have a team you can rely on. That's why investing in your team's development is so important. Take the time to mentor them and help them grow. This way, you can feel confident that they're capable of handling the tasks you need them to do.

2. Set clear expectations: When you're delegating tasks, it's important to set clear expectations. This way, there's no room for misunderstanding or mistakes. Be specific about what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. And if you have any concerns, voice them upfront so your team can address them.

3. Let go of the need to micromanage: One of the biggest productivity killers is micromanaging. If you're constantly checking in on your team and second-guessing their every move, it's going to take a toll on your productivity. Not to mention, it's not fair to them! So, once you've set clear expectations, let go and trust that they'll be able to handle the task at hand.

4. Be okay with imperfection: This ties in with the need for Perfectionism we talked about earlier. If you're constantly striving for perfection, you're never going to be satisfied. And that can lead to all sorts of problems, including anxiety, depression, and burnout. So instead, strive for excellence. This is an achievable goal that's sustainable in the long run.

#7. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity |  Lack of sleep:

Have you ever felt like you're running on empty? That's because you probably are. Lack of sleep is a major productivity killer, and it's something that far too many of us deal with on a daily basis. This can be for several reasons, including work stress, family obligations, or simply being unable to shut down our brains at night. But there are ways to overcome it.

Here are three tips to help you get the shut-eye you need:

1. Make sleep a priority. Too often, we sacrifice sleep for other things that seem more important. But if you want to be productive, you must prioritize sleep. Set a bedtime for yourself and stick to it. Make your bedroom a relaxing space where you can wind down for the evening. And turn off electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

2. Create a sleep schedule. Our bodies thrive on routine, so creating a regular sleep schedule can be hugely beneficial. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. And make sure you're getting enough hours of sleep each night. Most adults need 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

3. Practice good sleep hygiene. You can do several things to promote better sleep, including exercise, relaxation techniques, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed. Establishing good sleep hygiene habits can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep.

#8. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity |  Unhealthy eating habits:

We all have those days when we just can't seem to focus or get anything done. Usually, we chalk it up to a case of Mondays or a bad night's sleep. But sometimes, the culprit is closer to home than we realize: our diet. That's right - what we eat can significantly impact our energy levels and productivity. If you're struggling to power through your workday, it might be time to examine your eating habits closely. It is something that can be developed through practice and intention.

Here are three tips that can help you overcome unhealthy eating habits and get your productivity back on track:

1. Make breakfast a priority. Skipping breakfast is one of the worst things you can do if you're trying to boost your productivity. Without fuel in our tanks, our brains don't work well. So start your day with a healthy breakfast that will give you the energy you need to power through your workday.

2. Stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and even dizziness, which are major productivity killers. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and avoid sugary drinks like soda that will just make you crash later on.

3. Eat healthy snacks. If you find yourself getting tired in the afternoon, reach for a healthy snack instead of a candy bar or cup of coffee. Healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables will give you the energy you need to make it through the rest of your day without crashing.

#9. Obstacle Killing Your Productivity | Too much social media:

Social media has become a necessary evil in today's world. While it's a great way to stay connected with friends and family and increase your business visibility and potential new client acquisition, it can also be a huge time suck. If you find yourself spending hours scrolling through your newsfeed, it's time to cut back. Curbing your social media use can be difficult, but it's important to be aware of how much time you spend on these sites. If you find yourself constantly getting distracted by social media, it may be time to take a break.

Here are three ways to overcome the productivity killer of Too much social media:

1. Set time limits. If you know you only have 30 minutes to check social media each day, you're less likely to get sucked into the black hole of scrolling.

2. Use apps to block sites. There are plenty of apps that will block access to social media sites for a set period of time. This can be helpful if you're trying to take a break from social media or focus on a task.

3. Unfollow or unfriend people who regularly post distracting content. If someone you're following on social media constantly posts updates that make it hard for you to focus, it may be time to unfollow or even unfriend them.

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Leaders are not born; they are made. And in order to be the best leader you can be, it’s important to cultivate habits that will supercharge your results. We hope this article has given you some tools to work on and that you will continue to strive for excellence in all you do. Remember, leaders are never perfect, and they always have room to grow. The resilience toolkit I’ve put together for entrepreneurs and professionals will help you do that. Take some time to assess where you are now and where you want to be. What are some of the habits you need to work on? Click here to download your get your resilience toolkit now.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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