12 Habits ALL Leaders Should Cultivate To Supercharge Their Results


There are a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to be a great leader. Many people think that leaders are born, not made. But that's not true. Leaders are made through hard work and determination.

One of the most important things to remember is that leadership is not about power or control; it's about serving others. Leaders need to put themselves in other people's shoes and see things from their perspective. They need to be compassionate and caring and always think about what's best for the team or organization they're leading.

Leaders also need to be knowledgeable and skilled in their field. They must deeply understand their business or industry and make intelligent decisions based on data and evidence. And they need to be able to inspire others with their passion and vision for the future.

And while there's no one formula for becoming a successful leader, there are certain habits that all great leaders share.

Here are 12 habits you should cultivate to take your success to the next level.

1. Be decisive: Leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly and confidently, even in the face of uncertainty.

As any successful leader or entrepreneur knows, being decisive is essential to success. However, making decisions can be difficult, especially when there are many competing options or high stakes. After all, indecision can lead to missed opportunities, wasted time and resources, and damaged relationships. Fortunately, there are a few simple strategies that can help you become more decisive.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate the habit of decisiveness:

1. Learn to trust your gut instinct. Making decisions based on intuition can save you time and energy because you don't have to overanalyze things.

2. Stay informed and know as much as possible about the situation before making a decision. This way, you can weigh all the options and make an informed choice.

3. Be prepared to live with the consequences of your decision. No matter what you decide, there will always be some risk involved. Accepting this fact will help you be more decisive when making important decisions.

Related Article: How To Make a Big, Terrifying Decision as a female entrepreneur and leader

2. Be proactive: Don't wait for things to happen; make them happen. Leaders are always moving forward and taking action.

Being proactive is one of the best things you can do to supercharge your results. By proactively taking action and anticipating needs, you can stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for whatever comes your way. Not only will this help you to serve your team better and achieve your goals, but it will also inspire others to do the same. After all, as the saying goes, "Leadership is not a position; it's an approach." So, if you want to be a successful leader, start by being proactive. You'll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate the habit of proactivity:

1. Be clear about your vision. What do you want to achieve as a leader? What impact do you want to make? When you are clear about your vision, it will be easier to take action and make decisions that will move you closer to your goal.

2. Build a strong team. Surround yourself with people who share your values and who will support you as you work to achieve your vision. A strong team will help you stay focused and motivated, and they will be an invaluable resource as you navigate the challenges of being a leader.

3. Stay focused on your goals. Getting caught up in the day-to-day challenges of being a leader is easy, but it's important to remember why you took on this role in the first place. Stay focused on your long-term goals and keep taking steps towards achieving them. By following these tips, you can supercharge your results as a leader and greatly impact today's business world.

3. Effective Communication: Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision clearly and concisely so that others can understand it and buy into it.

Like most leaders, you probably think you're a pretty good communicator. After all, you've been communicating your whole life, so how hard can it be, right? Wrong. Communication is key to success as a leader. There's a big difference between everyday communication and effective leadership communication. The good news is that communication is a learnable skill. And if you want to supercharge your results as a leader, it's worth taking the time to level up your skills. And there are some simple things you can do to improve your effectiveness as a leader immediately.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate effective communication:

1. Be clear about what you want. The first step in effective leadership communication is clear about what you want. What is your goal? What do you want to achieve? What are your objectives? When you're clear about your goals, developing a clear communication plan and executing them will be much easier.

2. Communicate your message with clarity and precision. Once you know what you want, it's time to communicate your message with clarity and precision. Understanding their needs, wants, and concerns. Being respectful and listening more than you talk. When you make the other person the focus of your communication, you'll be surprised at how much more effective it becomes.

3. Focus on the other person. One of the most critical aspects of effective leadership communication is focusing on the other person. That means understanding their needs, wants, and concerns. It means being respectful and listening more than you talk. When you make the other person the focus of your communication, you'll be surprised at how much more effective it becomes.

Following these simple tips, you can start leveling up your leadership communication skills. And when you do, you'll be amazed at the impact it has on your results as a leader.

4. flexibility: Things change, and leaders need to be able to adapt their plans accordingly. Being inflexible will only lead to frustration and stagnation.

You may think that being a leader means having all the answers, but in today's ever-changing world, the most successful leaders are willing to embrace change. When you're open to new ideas, you'll supercharge your results and inspire those around you to do the same. After all, flexible people are more innovative, creative, and resilient than those who rigidly cling to old ways of doing things.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate flexibility:

1. Be coachable and open to feedback: You can't be a good leader if you're unwilling to listen to others and learn from your mistakes. Remember, no one is perfect, and everyone can benefit from constructive feedback.

2. Stay open-minded: Flexible and adaptable leaders can see both sides of every issue and aren't afraid of change. They know embracing new ideas and change is the key to success in today's ever-changing world.

3. Be prepared to make quick decisions: To be successful, leaders need to make decisions quickly and effectively under pressure. They don't hesitate to take action and seize the opportunity when a situation arises.

5. Authenticity: People respect leaders who are genuine and authentic. Don't try to be someone you're not – it'll only backfire.

As a leader, you have the opportunity to show the world who you are and what you stand for. People are drawn to your confidence and message when you are authentic. When you are authentic, people can see that you are genuine and care about helping them succeed. Being authentic also builds trust with your team, followers, and peers, which creates a deeper connection. Furthermore, being authentic gives you the power to be vulnerable and open up about your challenges and successes. This creates a sense of relatability and makes people more likely to follow your lead. As an entrepreneur, it is vital to be authentic to stand out from the competition. There are many "gurus" out there who are selling quick fixes and empty promises. Be the leader you want to follow, and watch your business or career supercharge.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate authenticity:

1. Be clear about your values and priorities. When you know what's important to you, it's easier to stay true to yourself.

2. Communicate openly and honestly. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with others - it will help them understand and respect you as a leader.

3. Lead by example. Authenticity starts with you - if you want others to be authentic, you need to model the behavior yourself.

These are just a few of the ways that you can cultivate authenticity as a leader. By staying true to yourself, you'll be better able to connect with others and create a strong foundation for your leadership style.

6. team players: Leaders know they need a strong team to succeed.

Being a team player is one habit all leaders should cultivate to supercharge their results. As an entrepreneur, I've found that being a team player is essential to not only my success but also the success of my business. When you're a team player, you can work together with others toward a common goal, and that's what successful companies are built on. When you're a leader, it's important to remember that you're not the only one who knows what's best for the company - your team does too. And when you're able to work together as a team, you'll be able to accomplish so much more than you ever could have on your own. So if you want to supercharge your results, be a team player.

Here are three strategies to help you cultivate team culture:

1. Being a good role model

Role models are critical for setting the tone within an organization and demonstrating the behavior expected from employees. As a leader, you should always be mindful of your words and actions and take care to set the right example for your team.

2. Fostering a team-oriented culture

Encouraging team spirit is another way to help foster a cooperative environment where everyone is willing to work together towards common goals. This can be done by organizing team-building activities, praising collaborative efforts, and providing recognition for individual contributions.

3. Showing genuine interest in others

Showing genuine interest in your team also helps build trust and creates a positive working environment. A positive working environment is vital for productivity and creativity. So, by showing genuine interest in your team, you're not only helping them feel appreciated and valued, but you're also helping to create a productive and positive work environment.

7. Be coachable: Even the best leaders still have room for improvement – that's why they're always open to feedback and willing to learn from those around them. Coaching is an important part of being a leader.

Being coachable is one of the most important habits any leader can cultivate if they want to supercharge their results. It sounds simple enough, but being coachable requires listening to feedback and taking direction. That can be tough for even the most experienced leaders. After all, we're used to being in charge and calling the shots. But the best leaders know that they can always learn and improve and are not afraid to ask for help. Being coachable also requires taking responsibility for your development. You can't expect others to do your job for you as a leader. You have to be proactive about seeking out feedback and learning opportunities. But when you do, you'll find that being coachable is one of the best habits you can have as a leader.

Here are three strategies for being coachable as a leader:

1. Be open to feedback. Yes, this is the second time this strategy is showing up. It’s that important! A key part of being coachable is being willing to listen to feedback, even if it's tough to hear. After all, how can you improve if you're not willing to listen to constructive criticism?

2. Be coachable in both good and bad times. It's easy to be coachable when things are going well, but it's just as important when tough times. After all, that's when you need the help of a coach!

3. Be prepared to work hard. Being coachable means being willing to put in the hard work required to improve. A good leader constantly learns and grows, which takes dedication and effort.

By following these three strategies, you can become a more coachable leader who is always leveling up and thriving.

8. Be courageous: Leaders need the courage to take risks, stand up for what they believe in, and face challenges head-on. Without courage, it's impossible to lead.

Being a leader doesn't mean that you have to have all the answers. Some of the most successful leaders are the ones who are willing to admit when they don't know something. Instead of being afraid to ask for help, they see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They also know they can't do everything independently and need to build a strong team of people who can support them. All leaders should cultivate courage. It takes courage to stand up for your beliefs, make tough decisions, and face challenges head-on. But it's only by being courageous that you can make a difference in the world. So if you want to supercharge your results as a leader, cultivate the habit of courage. Anyone can be a leader, but it takes courage to cultivate the strength of character required to lead. Fortunately, courage is not an innate quality that only some people possess. It is something that can be developed through practice and intention.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate courage:

1. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Discomfort is a natural part of life, and it is also a necessary ingredient for growth. Embrace the feeling of being outside your comfort zone, and use it as fuel to push yourself further.

2. Be vulnerable. Leaders often feel like they have to put up a strong front, but vulnerability is a sign of strength. Admitting when you don't know something or asking for help shows that you are human and capable of learning.

3. Practice self-compassion. One of the most courageous things you can do is to be kind to yourself, especially when you make mistakes. Cut yourself slack, and remember that everyone makes mistakes – even leaders.

Related article: The #1 tool for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome | Self Compassion

9. Be Resilient: Setbacks are inevitable; resilience is the ability to recover quickly from setbacks or difficulties

Resilience is one of the most important traits that a leader can possess. Resilient leaders don't give up; they find a way to keep going. And when they face setbacks, they don't dwell on them; they learn from them and move on. Resilient leaders also know how to maintain their energy levels and focus, even when the going gets tough. They understand that burnout is a real danger and take steps to avoid it. As a result, they're able to supercharge their results as leaders.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate resilience:

1. Develop a support network: A support network can provide emotional and practical help when you need it most. By developing a support network of family, friends, and colleagues, you will have people to rely on when times are tough. 

2. Practice self-care: Self-care is vital for everyone, but it's especially important for those trying to be resilient. When you take care of yourself, you're telling yourself that you matter and are worth the effort. This can boost your self-esteem and give you the emotional strength to endure tough times. Self-care can also help reduce stress levels, which can be detrimental.

3. Cultivate a growth mindset: Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.  

10. Be passionate: Leaders come in different shapes and sizes, but passion is one quality that all great leaders share.

Passion drives us to achieve our goals, inspire those around us, and make a lasting impact on the world. Here are three strategies for being a passionate leader: Motivating others to follow you becomes much easier when you are clear about your direction. To be an inspiring leader, you must also be passionate about your work and believe in what you are doing. People are attracted to leaders who are passionate and committed to their cause. It is contagious when you are passionate about your work and others want to get involved. It goes without saying inspiring leaders are also authentic and genuine. If you want to supercharge your results as a leader, start by being an inspiring example for those around you.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate passion:

1. Know you're why. What is it that you are fighting for? Why do you want to be a leader? When you are clear about your purpose, staying motivated and passionate about your work will be easier. Also, motivating others to follow you becomes much easier when you are clear about your direction.

2. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Passion is contagious, so surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and will support you on your journey.

3. Be authentic. Be true to yourself, and don't try to be someone you're not. People will respect you more if you are authentic and transparent. People can sense when a leader is being phony or trying to put on an act. Be honest with those around you; they will respect and admire you. Passion is essential for any leader who wants to make a difference in the world.

Following these three strategies, you can tap into your passion and use it to drive your leadership journey.

11. Humility: is essential to achieving great things.

By definition, humility is the quality of being humble; it is the willingness to put aside one's ego and dissolve one's importance. While this may seem like a counterintuitive trait for a leader to possess, the truth is that humility is a powerful tool that can help leaders to achieve their goals. For one thing, humility allows leaders to see the bigger picture and to put the needs of their team or organization above their own. In addition, humility allows leaders to build stronger relationships with those they work with. People who feel like their leaders are approachable and down-to-earth are more likely to trust and respect them. Ultimately, humility also helps leaders to stay focused on what is truly important. Leaders can avoid distractions by not getting caught up in their ego or sense of self-importance and remain laser-focused on their goals. In short, humility is a virtue that all leaders should cultivate if they want to achieve great things.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate humbleness:

1. Be open to feedback. No one is perfect, and we can all learn from constructive criticism. When someone points out an area where you could improve, don't get defensive - listen and learn.

2. Remain teachable. Even if you're the boss, there's always room to grow and learn new things. Be open to learning from your team members, and don't be afraid to ask questions when you're unsure about something.

3. Be thankful for your successes. It's easy to take our accomplishments for granted, but it's important to remember that not everyone is so lucky. When you achieve something great, take a moment to reflect on how far you've come and be grateful for your good fortune.

Following these simple strategies can remain humble even as you achieve success in your career.

12. Personal Accountability: The best leaders are always accountable.

There's no denying that accountability is a key leadership trait. But what does it mean to be accountable? And how can you make sure you're modeling this vital behavior for your team? Personal accountability is something that I, as a female leader, have always been very aware of. After all, it's hard to be a strong leader without being accountable for your own actions. As an entrepreneur, I know that accountability is even more important. You are the one who is ultimately responsible for your own success or failure. That's why I always make sure to take personal responsibility for my own actions and decisions. I know that by doing so, I am setting an example for others to follow. And that's something I can always be proud of.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate personal accountability:

1. Be clear about your expectations:

As a leader, it's your responsibility to set the tone for accountability within your team. That starts with clearly communicating your expectations and holding everyone to the same standard. When everyone knows what's expected of them, they're more likely to meet (or exceed) those expectations.

2. Take ownership of your mistakes:

One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to own your mistakes. We all make them, but how we handle them counts. Taking responsibility for your errors shows your team that you're willing to hold yourself accountable just like you expect them to. Not only does this build trust, but it also sets the stage for open and honest communication moving forward.

3. Encourage others to speak up:

Accountability isn't a one-way street—it requires buy-in from everyone on your team. So, create an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up if they see something that isn't right. When people feel like they can voice their concerns without fear of retribution, it'll help create a more transparent and accountable workplace.

Related Article: How to hold yourself accountable as a leader: 5 powerful tips

Bonus: Self-Awareness: is not a luxury; it's necessary for any leader who wants to supercharge their results.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence, and it allows you to be in tune with your own emotions and the emotions of those around you. When you're self-aware, you can manage your reactions, stay calm under pressure, and make clear-headed decisions. You're also better able to build strong relationships, inspire others, and effect change. Simply put, self-awareness is a powerful tool that all leaders need in their toolkits. And yet, so many leaders fail to cultivate it. They get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to check in with themselves. As a result, they miss out on growth opportunities and the chance to truly lead from the front. Don't let this happen to you. Make self-awareness a priority in your life, and watch your results soar.

Here are three strategies that entrepreneurs and other leaders can use to cultivate self-awareness:

1. Cultivate self-awareness through introspective and reflection. This can be done by writing down what you want and then tracking their progress over time.

2. Be honest with yourself. It's easy to make excuses for our shortcomings, but if we want to be self-aware leaders, we need to be honest with ourselves. Take a close look at your weaknesses and figure out what you can do to improve them.

3. Seek out new challenges. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is essential for personal and professional growth. As a leader, it's important to seek out new challenges that will help you learn and grow. By taking on new challenges, you'll become more self-aware and better equipped to lead others.


All great leaders have one thing in common: they worked hard to get where they are. By implementing the habits we’ve outlined above, you, too, can become an outstanding leader in your field. And remember, no leader is perfect – but that shouldn’t stop you from striving for excellence in everything you do. So what are you waiting for? Book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today, and let us help take your leadership skills to the next level.

P.S. Click here to download your get your resilience toolkit now.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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