Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs and Thrive with 6 Proven Strategies to Unlock your True Potential.


Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs and Thrive with 6 Proven Strategies to Unlock your True Potential.

Limiting beliefs can be like a self-imposed prison, blocking us from reaching our fullest potential and achieving true success. We may even begin to feel frustrated and powerless, yet these limiting thoughts are strengthening themselves through our failure. It's like they're telling us, "I told you so." This vicious cycle can lead to deep feelings of anger, self-hatred, and depression if left unchecked. 

However, recognizing our limiting beliefs and working to overcome them can open the door to pursuing our true purpose and potential. With the right tools, we can unlock the potential of our own minds and discover true success. We can find the freedom to reach for success and make it a reality.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist! I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

I do this through proven science-backed and outcome-based high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

The first step to freeing ourselves from these mental constraints is to recognize them for what they are: self-limiting beliefs. Then, with intention and action, we can break through those walls and find fulfillment. We can focus on positive thinking, build self-confidence, and manifest success. With a little effort and the right mindset, we can be sure that our limiting beliefs won't hold us back anymore! Recognizing and challenging our limiting beliefs creates an environment where success is attainable.

What are limiting Beliefs?

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” Brian Tracy

Limiting beliefs are a set of self-imposed restrictions and false assumptions about ourselves, our potential, and the world around us. They can hold us back from achieving success, reaching our goals, and living life to its fullest. These beliefs may have been instilled in us by family, society, or even ourselves - but regardless of their origin, they can have a powerful effect on how we see and experience the world. They leave us with feelings of fear, inadequacy, and self-doubt that impede our progress in life. 

By recognizing and addressing these limiting beliefs, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and begin to live authentically - free from the chains of our minds. It is time to unlock our potential and break free from these shackles of doubt. Believe in yourself and your abilities - you have more power than you think. Don't let what others think or say stop you from achieving greatness! Let go of the old beliefs that no longer serve you and embrace a new way of thinking.

How do our limiting beliefs keep us from achieving our potential?

Limiting beliefs can keep us from reaching our full potential by making us feel powerless, unworthy, and less likely to take action to work toward our goals. They can lead us to create negative self-fulfilling prophecies and cause us to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Limiting beliefs can also prevent us from seeing opportunities or possibilities that might have been available to us if we hadn't held on to such limiting views.

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How do limiting beliefs form?

“Remember: We all get what we tolerate. So stop tolerating excuses within yourself, limiting beliefs of the past, or half-assed or fearful states.” Tony Robbins

Limiting beliefs can tremendously impact our lives and our ability to reach our full potential. These beliefs often stem from the brain's desire to protect us from pain and fear in the future, which may be based on past experiences or impostor syndrome. Unfortunately, these deeply embedded beliefs tend to start forming at a young age and can shape our lives for years or even decades to come. If you recognize the cause of your limiting beliefs, you can uncover the rationale behind them and start taking steps to overcome these fears.

10 most common limiting beliefs that people experience:

1. I'm not good enough

2. I'm not smart enough

3. I don't have what it takes to be successful

4. Things will never change

5. I can't do anything right

6. People won't accept me for who I am

7. It's too late for me

8. I'm not worthy of love or respect

9. I don't have enough resources to make a difference

10. I will never be good enough no matter what I do

If you genuinely desire to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace a life filled with limitless possibilities, here are six steps to overcoming limiting beliefs:

1. Identify Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

“Life has no limitations except the ones you make.” Les Brown

The first and most critical step in eliminating negative conditioning is recognizing what's holding you back. Each of us carries limiting beliefs, but they can be identified quickly and easily by reflecting on those things that make us feel struck down. Write these beliefs down so you can take a good look at them head-on. Seeing our problems in a tangible form can be incredibly liberating, enabling us to recognize these mental blocks as the false illusions they are and make way for real progress. Don't let your limiting beliefs stand in your way any longer—it's time to change! It's time to take action!

To discover the beliefs that are holding you back, take a few moments to reflect on these six questions:

“Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.” Denis Waitley

1. What lies do I tell myself about my abilities, talents, and skills?

2. What stories have I been telling myself about what I can or cannot do?

3. What recurring themes come up when I'm trying to take on a challenge?

4. Are there any situations that make me feel particularly insecure or inadequate?

5. What areas do I tend to procrastinate in?

6. Do I have any fears that consistently hold me back?

7. Are there any people I tend to compare myself to negatively instead of seeing my own value?

8. What excites me but, at the same time, scares me?

9. Are there any topics or conversations that make me feel uncomfortable?

10. How do I respond when things don't go as planned?

By dedicating a few moments to addressing these questions, you can start overcoming your limiting beliefs and unlock a life of joy and success! So go ahead—identify your inner saboteur and take control.

Related Article: 13 ways to overcome Self-Doubt and Thrive

2. Recognize and challenge your limiting beliefs

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours.” Richard Bach

It's time to recognize and challenge our limiting beliefs. We cannot escape them, but we can face them head-on and take responsibility for their existence. Acknowledging this is the first step in overcoming these hindrances that have held us back.

By having a conversation with your thoughts, you are opening up a line of communication that can lead to profound changes. We must never be afraid of recognizing our limits, for it is only in doing so that we can break through them and succeed.

Taking responsibility for our limiting beliefs is a powerful way of giving ourselves permission to change. Victory does not come without ownership and hard work, so let us embrace this challenge and strive for success beyond our wildest dreams! Together, we can make our dreams a reality.

3. Face Your Limiting Belief

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” Louise Hay

Confronting our limiting beliefs is key to unlocking our full potential. We tend to accept these beliefs without question, forming an unhealthy co-dependent relationship with them instead of dealing with the struggle of confronting them. If this is difficult to do alone, seeking help from a counselor or coach may be beneficial. Alternatively, talking to a trusted friend or significant other can open up the possibility of questioning our beliefs and exploring alternative perspectives.

Take time to challenge your limiting beliefs with a written list. Think of all the ways in which your limiting beliefs might not be true, and build an argument for why you should believe in yourself instead. Through this process, you will begin to see the freedom of thought and action that comes from embracing a more positive outlook. With every reason you create to reject your limiting beliefs, your confidence will grow, and you can finally be free to pursue success!

The journey towards breaking down our limitations starts with confronting them head-on - When you embrace this approach, only then can you tap into your full potential. So take the time to explore your beliefs and challenge them, and you'll be on your way toward achieving greater success in life. 

When we embrace this approach, only then can we tap into our full potential. So take the time to explore your beliefs and challenge them, and you'll be on your way toward achieving greater success in life.

4. Leverage Positive Affirmations

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a constant basis is exactly what you will experience in life.” Tony Robbins

One of the most powerful methods to combat against self-limiting beliefs is to practice positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are sentences you repeat to yourself with the intention of building up your belief in yourself and your potential for success. Affirmations can be done in many ways - verbalizing these positive affirmations out loud or simply reinforcing them in your daily routine. By reframing negative thoughts into positive ones, you can challenge the limiting beliefs that limit your progress and success. For example, if you're telling yourself that you aren't good enough for a promotion, shift your perspective by reassuring yourself that you are capable and deserve the opportunity to succeed.

Some examples of reframing negative self-thoughts include:

  •  "I'm not good enough to manage this team" to "I have the capabilities to excel in everything I do." 

  • "I don't have enough time to invest in myself" to "I'm blessed to have the power to prioritize my schedule and put emphasis on what matters most."

Shifting the way you look at even the toughest challenges can train your mind to recognize positives instead of dwelling on negatives. So make sure you take advantage of positive affirmations today and see how they help you overcome your self-limiting beliefs!

5. Replace Them With limitless Beliefs

“I’m not interested in your limiting beliefs; I’m interested in what makes you limitless.” Brendon Burchard 

We all have these limiting beliefs that keep us from achieving the success we deserve. But it's time to leave them behind and replace them with limitless, empowering beliefs! If you think something like, "I don't deserve success because of ABC," then transform this thought into "I do deserve success because of XYZ," and then list out all the reasons why.

It's such a simple step, but it can have tremendous results. Don't just be content with being neutral; create an upgrade for every belief you just tore down - replace the limited ones with limitless potential!

Take your old list from before and rewrite each one to remove those limits you placed on yourself. You can do this, don't let those old beliefs hold you back anymore! Unlock your true potential and create a powerful life full of success and limitless possibilities.

I'll do it with you using the most common limiting beliefs and reframing them into Limitless Beliefs:

1. I'm not good enough ➡️ I can learn and grow and take steps toward becoming the best version of myself.

2. I'm not smart enough ➡️My greatest strength is my ability to adapt and develop new skills. 

3. I don't have what it takes to be successful ➡️I am more than capable of facing any challenges that come my way and overcoming them with resilience. 

4. Things will never change ➡️Change is possible, and I can create the kind of life I want for myself. 

5. I can't do anything right ➡️With determination, practice, and patience, I will master my desired skills and abilities. 

6. People won't accept me for who I am ➡️Nothing can stop me from being my true self, surrounded by people who appreciate me for who I am. 

7. It's too late for me ➡️ It's never too late to pursue my goals, no matter my age. 

8. I'm not worthy of love or respect ➡️I am worthy of respect and love and have the power to attract these things into my life. 

9. I don't have enough resources to make a difference ➡️All of the resources I need are available if I put in the effort to access them. 

10. I will never be good enough no matter what I do ➡️ I have the strength and courage to push through difficult times and learn from my mistakes.

6. Use Your New Limitless Beliefs To Find Success

“We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.” Roger Ebert

You have the power to unlock your limitless potential and realize success. Embark on this journey of self-discovery with unwavering faith in your ability to succeed, no matter the circumstances. Fill yourself with enthusiasm and drive as you forge ahead towards achieving what seemed only a dream before now. Don't give up—each milestone will only strengthen your conviction in your capabilities. You can be sure that if you believe, success will surely follow! Get ready to live an extraordinary life full of hope and opportunity.


Limiting beliefs can be like a self-created prison, trapping us in a state of complacency and blocking us from reaching our fullest potential. We've discussed six strategies you can use to break these vicious cycles and let go of your limiting beliefs once and for all. Unlock the power within you to take back control of your life by devaluing negative thoughts and empowering yourself through successful experiences. Now is the time to break away from restrictive mental barriers and realize true success in both business and life. Don't let fear stand in the way -- book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today to start pursuing your true purpose with confidence!

P.S. Need additional support in living a high-performance life. Grab my Level Up and Thrive EASY Checklist.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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