Simple Goal-Setting Tips for High Performers | Part 1


Simple Goal-Setting Tips for High Performers | Part 1

Writing down goals and taking steps to achieve them can be a great way to improve your performance. When it comes to goal-setting, high performers have an edge. They know how to set powerful, achievable goals that move them closer to their desired outcomes. But how do they do it? I crafted the perfect framework for my needs, and I've later tailored it for clients: one that was not only exceptionally effective for achieving ambitious goals but also simple to implement The S.P.I.C.E.D method: Specific, Prioritize, Commitment, Evaluate, and Deadline. By breaking down goals into smaller components and following this simple framework, high performers can increase their chances of success and make real progress toward their desired outcomes.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

I do this through proven science-backed and outcome-based high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

This article will explore the five steps of the S.P.I.C.E.D framework and provide simple, actionable tips to help you become a high-performing goal-setter. With these tips, you can develop powerful goals that will keep you motivated and on track to achieving the success you’ve always wanted!

So let’s get started...

Define what success looks like

Knowing what success looks like for you personally will help guide the direction of your journey, and setting juicy goals is how you'll get there. With a clear purpose and vision, nothing can stop you from achieving all you desire. Convert your dreams into actionable steps and take unstoppable strides forward – soon enough, you'll have the power to make your most ambitious dreams come true!

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” – Andrew Carnegie

That's why it is important to define what success looks like before embarking on any venture. Identifying tangible, measurable results will ensure that progress can be measured over time and results achieved in an efficient and effective manner. 

Ask Yourself: 6 essential questions to help you define success on your terms:

  1. What would my life look like if everything went the way I wanted?

  2. What would success look like for me in my business, career, and finances?

  3. What would success look like for me in my relationships?

  4. What would success look like for me in terms of personal growth and development?

  5. What do I need to do to get there?

  6. How can I measure progress along the way?

By asking yourself these questions, you can define success on your own terms. Doing this will help you get clear on what you want and ultimately set more powerful and inspiring goals. Once you've defined what success looks like, write down how you'd feel, think and act differently.

Don’t rush this… Use these questions as journal prompts; invest in yourself.

Now that you’ve defined success on your terms, it’s time to use the S.P.I.C.E.D framework to make sure you stay on track and move closer to realizing your ambitions with each step!

Related Article: 4 Surprisingly simple steps to define success on your Own Terms

S.P.I.C.E.D Goals | Specific and Powerful Goals Based on Your Vision of Success

S - Specific: Ensure your goals are specific and be precise about how you will achieve your goal.

“There can only be one most important thing. Many things may be important, but only one can be the most important.” Ross Garber

Get a clear, concise understanding of what you wish to achieve and pinpoint when it should be accomplished. Ambiguous objectives are the primary reason why people fail to reach their goals. Make sure you set specific, achievable, and realistic aspirations for yourself. This stage is pivotal to goal-setting. If you get this part right, it will seal the success of your objectives and results. Avoid pitfalls by ensuring that you have fully grasped this step so as not to ruin all of your hard work.

Ask Yourself: 6 Key Questions to Guide You Toward Clarity and Precision:

1. What do I want to accomplish?

2. What are the steps required to get there?

3. How much time and effort am I willing to commit?

4. Are there any obstacles that could prevent me from achieving my goal?

5. What resources do I need for success?

6. Who can help me along the way?

P - Prioritize: Put the most important goal on the top of the list | The Lead Domino

“Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.” John Carmack

When it comes to goal-setting, focus on what matters most. Prioritize your goals and make sure you choose those that align with your desired outcome. Identify the lead domino of all goals so that you can start working on them first and build momentum for further progress. This will help keep you motivated and focused on reaching success.

I - Immediate Action: Break down the goal into small and immediate steps

“To get through the hardest journey, we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.” Chinese Proverb

Break down the goal into smaller chunks and take immediate action. Often, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the enormity of a task. To prevent this paralysis, break your goals down into manageable steps that are simple and easy to act upon.

C- Commitment: Commitment to taking action, staying accountable, and dedicating realistic amounts of time and energy to your goal.

“Productivity isn’t about being a workhorse, keeping busy or burning the midnight oil… It’s more about priorities, planning, and fiercely protecting your time.” Margarita Tartakovsky

Commit to your goals and be willing to put in the effort required. It is important to invest the necessary resources needed to reach your goal. This includes investing time, energy, money, or any other resources that you may require along the way. Remember that what you put in will determine what you get out. This doesn't mean that you have to work yourself into the ground - it just means that you should stay focussed on achieving a result and follow through with any actions you've outlined. Make sure that whatever you plan, you stick with it as best as possible. Consistency is key when it comes to achieving success.

Related Article: How to hold yourself accountable as a leader: 5 powerful tips

E- Evaluate: Track progress and identify areas for improvement and make adjustments when needed.

“Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.” Peter Drucker

Evaluate your progress and identify areas that need improvement. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress toward your objectives. It is also important to be flexible - when something isn’t working, it's okay to make changes or try something different. The important thing is that you remain aware of how far you are from achieving your goal and adjust accordingly.

D- Deadline: Set a timeline for completion and celebrate wins and milestones along the way.

“But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas all ran away and hid from one little Did.” Shel Silverstein

Set a timeline for completion and celebrate wins when achieved. Give yourself deadlines to keep on track so that you build momentum as you progress. As soon as you achieve each goal, take the time to acknowledge it and reward yourself for your dedication. This will help maintain your motivation and keep the cycle going.

So go ahead - create your S.P.I.C.E.D goals and get started on the path to achieving success!

If you're looking to get started quickly and easily, here are 6 tips to help you create a plan of action that will lead you toward success:

“There is an art of clearing away the clutter and focusing on what matters most. It is simple, and it is transferrable. It just requires the courage to take a different approach.” George Anders

1. Start with the end in mind: Think about what you want to achieve and visualize your success.

2. Break down big goals into smaller, actionable steps: Define clear objectives that will help guide you along the way.

3. Prioritize Your Goals: Focus on tasks that are most important or have the highest return on investment.

4. Set a timeline: Create deadlines that will keep you motivated and on track.

5. Hold yourself accountable: Find an accountability partner or coach to help keep you focused and on task.

6. Celebrate small victories: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small it may be, as this will help motivate you to keep going.

By following these tips, you can develop powerful goals that will keep you motivated and on track to achieving the success you’ve always wanted! You have what it takes to reach your goals, so don't be afraid to take risks and push yourself outside your comfort zone. Success is within reach – go out and seize it!


1. Set aside dedicated time and space to focus on personal growth (meditation, journaling, reading).

2. Create habits that promote healthy practices (eating well, exercising, sleeping).

3. Find a mentor or coach who can help you stay accountable and reach your goals.

4. Invest in yourself by attending seminars and workshops.

5. Take risks, push yourself outside your comfort zone, and learn from your mistakes.

6. Celebrate your progress and successes along the way! I keep repeating this because its to the key to keeping your momentum going when you feel uncertain.

Now that you have the formula for success, your only potential obstacle is yourself and any limiting beliefs about what is possible.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article, where we’ll dive deeper into helping you identify and rewire your limiting beliefs…

In the meantime, take some time for self-reflection – make sure that your goals are not only big and ambitious but also broken down into small, realistic, and actionable steps. Spend some time envisioning yourself accomplishing these goals – the clearer your vision, the easier it will be to take action.

Good luck!  I’ll see you in Part 2 soon!


The journey to success is not always a smooth one. It will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance in order to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. However, by utilizing the S.P.I.C.E.D framework and having the right mindset, we can arm ourselves with the necessary tools to succeed in life. Remember, success is not achieved overnight - it's an ongoing process that needs to be nurtured and cultivated with consistency and daily action. So go ahead, take the plunge and get started on your journey of self-discovery today! It’s time to create powerful goals, establish clear plans of action, and become the best version of YOU. Remember, you don't have to do it alone; reach out for help when you need it. Click to book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session, where I can help you map out your path to achieving your ambitious spicy goals and sustainable success. Happy Goal Setting!

P.S. Need additional support in living a high-performance life. Grab my Level Up and Thrive EASY Checklist.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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