How do you deal with uncertainty? 9 strategies that can help
How do you deal with uncertainty? 9 strategies that can help
If there is one thing that’s certain in life, it’s uncertainty. We all face times of confusion, anxiety and fear when we don’t know what will happen next. It can be difficult to cope with the feeling of being out of control, but understanding how to prepare for any situation and make thoughtful decisions can help you move through uncertain times with confidence and calmness.
If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia! I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist! I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life. I do this through proven high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.
In this blog post, I share nine effective strategies to help you manage your own uncertainty so that you can stay strong during challenging situations. By taking proactive steps towards self-care and embracing a growth mindset, uncovering hidden opportunities which may come out of difficult circumstances becomes possible. Now let's get started!
How to Deal with Uncertainty | Take 100% Responsibility
Uncertainty can be a scary, intimidating emotion to face. We do not know what's coming next, and questioning our ability to control our environment can be nerve-wracking. Nonetheless, taking responsibility for how we navigate through uncertainty is essential for success. Taking responsibility involves recognizing where your control lies and seizing it in order to adjust to whatever comes your way. It means stepping into the driver's seat of your life and committing to doing whatever it takes to increase the likelihood of achieving your goals while staying positive even when results don't turn out as you had hoped. A growth mindset—a willingness to learn from failure and embrace challenges—will support you so that instead of feeling overwhelmed with what you cannot control or predict, you may focus on making deliberate choices with greater intentions that will ultimately empower resilience and satisfaction despite encountering uncertainty as well as times of adversity.
how to deal with uncertainty | Shift Your Perspective
Uncertainty can be overwhelming and cause you to panic if you don't feel like you have any control or understanding of the situation. However, by simply shifting your perspective, it becomes easier to address uncertainty head-on. For example, instead of seeing uncertainty as a negative thing, try thinking about it as something that offers new possibilities for growth and potential surprises. Learn to embrace the unknown and use it to your advantage! Reframe your approach to uncertain moments and acknowledge that adapting and pivoting can offer unique opportunities. Trying something unfamiliar helps you build resilience - an invaluable skill in any area of life. So take a confident step forward without fear of the unknown; it just might open up an exciting path you never expected!
How to deal with Uncertainty | Create a powerful vision
Uncertainty can be frightening and draining, but if you create a powerful vision for yourself, it can become an ally in your journey. It is necessary to trust deeply that something even better lies ahead at all times – this will help you be resilient when faced with the unknown. Visualizing your ideal future helps to foster clarity around what you want to manifest, and it refreshes your mindset so that you are ready for new opportunities and actions. Crafting a grand vision of your future can also act as an anchor during times of chaos or doubt – it serves to remind you of the bigger picture and motivates you to take newfound steps each day.
How to deal with Uncertainty |Track and measure your progress
Feeling uncertain about the future is never easy, but there are steps you can take to regain your confidence and move past that uncertainty. One way to do this is by tracking and measuring your progress. You may feel like you’re stuck or stagnant, but taking the time to reflect on what successes you have had will help to keep you motivated and energized going forward. Measurement of your progress doesn't just need to be numbers; it could also be checking in on how much more fulfilled or content you feel every day. From daily check-ins with yourself and family members to setting achievements for each month, measure what it is that specifically works best for you when it comes to managing your uncertainty. Not only will tracking and measuring allow you to recognize the progress you make, but they will also help create a roadmap of areas where growth needs more focus or attention.
How to deal with Uncertainty | Shift your identity
The power of an individual's identity is often underestimated; however, it can be a great tool for managing uncertainty and building resilience. By shifting or reframing your identity, you can use all the uncertainty of life to your advantage, pinning positive character traits onto yourself that equip us to face whatever curveballs come your way. This shift in perspective allows you to recognize and embrace the challenge of uncertainty rather than resist it and allows you to recognize the gifts and opportunities these moments present. Here lies the benefit of nurturing internal confidence - something that comes from within rather than relying on external sources for validation. Embracing your own resilience will help you build a sense of control over circumstances, even when the future remains uncertain.
How to deal with Uncertainty | Create RITUALS
Dealing with uncertainty can be difficult, but adding rituals to your life can help you process it better. Rituals are distinct, repeatable activities that have become a meaningful part of our lives and allow us to create a more consistent experience. They give our brains something to hold onto and rely on, even when the future is unpredictable. Whether this means having a daily yoga practice or making time for weekly date nights with your partner, small rituals provide structure in an ever-changing world. Establishing a few soothing routines can help you ground yourself in reality so that you're better prepared to tackle whatever comes your way.
How to deal with Uncertainty |Raise Your Expectations
Uncertainty can be stressful, but it is possible to raise your expectations in order to better deal with it. Letting go of the need for control and focusing instead on establishing a positive mindset is incredibly helpful, as is actively seeking out new opportunities. Acting with intention, rather than responding to what ‘could’ happen or feeling powerless can really empower us during challenging moments. Achieving a positive outlook by celebrating small wins, connecting with friends and family, being mindful of our thoughts and behaviors and learning something new are all great tools we can use to help raise our expectations - even when things don’t seem certain.
How to deal with Uncertainty |Be Prepared
Living with uncertainty can be scary and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way. The best way to deal with uncertainty is by being prepared for whatever may come your way. Preparation is key; take the time to prepare yourself emotionally and mentally, and make sure you have a plan in place for when the unexpected happens. It's essential to have some kind of backup plan and resources — like a savings account — to help you deal with difficult situations. Facing life’s challenges with preparation will not only give you confidence and peace of mind, but it can also open up possibilities that you never dreamed of! When life throws a curveball, having an actionable plan in place can help us move forward with resiliency and strength.
How to deal with Uncertainty |Take decisive action
Uncertainty can be daunting, but dealing with it takes decisive action! Taking charge and not succumbing to the fear of unknown outcomes is a sign of courage and strength. Rather than waiting for things to happen or relying solely on luck, taking decisive action will give one control of their own destiny. This can range from making plans to researching different solutions or options to implementing specific goals - whatever is done has to be done with confidence and an optimistic outlook. With each step taken comes more clarity and assurance in your chosen course of action. Trust yourself and don't be afraid of failure - you may be surprised by what you can accomplish when you take those first steps towards making positive changes in uncertain times.
How to deal with Uncertainty |Embrace Self-care
Dealing with uncertainty can be extremely stressful and daunting, but embracing self-care provides a powerful way to manage it. Taking the time to focus on your wellbeing will allow you to cultivate a sense of stability in turbulent times. This could take a variety of forms such as: staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest and exercise, practicing mindfulness, meditating, connecting with friends and family, indulging in hobbies, or just giving yourself permission to do nothing at all. Approaching uncertainty with compassion and kindness is key - it will empower you to tackle any difficult moments that arise head-on with confidence.
If you’re feeling lost and uncertain about what the future holds, remember that you’re not alone. These nine strategies can help you deal with uncertainty so that you feel prepared to face any challenges head-on. When you take care of yourself and embrace a growth mindset, anything becomes possible. If you want help putting these strategies into action, book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today. I’ll work with you one-on-one to develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals and build confidence in uncertain times.
P.S. Check out the Level Up & Thrive Resilience Toolkit; this free resource is packed with tools, tips, and exercises to help you build your own personal resilience strategy. Thanks for reading!
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