13 ways to overcome Self-Doubt and Thrive


As a female entrepreneur or leader, you're probably used to feeling like an outsider. You might have experienced self-doubt and imposter syndrome as well. You're not alone. Many women feel this way at some point in their business or career. But don't worry, there are things you can do to overcome it.  

Hi, my name is Felecia Etienne, and I am a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business and Life Strategist for ambitious female entrepreneurs and professionals. I help those overwhelmed, stressed-out bosses to maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

Here's the good news there are ways to overcome this! 

I've identified 13 powerful strategies that will help you overcome your self-doubt and start taking action on the things that matter most in your life. Here they are…

1. Eradicate self-doubt with self-confidence

Self-doubt is normal, and self-confidence is essential. 

➡️How do you feel when you are self-confident? 

➡️What do self-confident people look like? 

Self-confidence is self-doubt's best friend; self-doubt cannot exist in the presence of self-confidence. We cannot eliminate self-doubt, but we can reframe self-doubt by reminding ourselves that self-doubt is okay and it's not a problem. Self-confidence is self-worth, and self-worth is self-respect. Think about these things when self-doubt creeps in. 

2. Have positive self-talk

You can overcome self-doubt by learning to silence the negative voice inside your head and replacing it with positive affirmations. You can remind yourself that you are capable, intelligent, worthy, and capable of greatness. By repeating to yourself, positive affirmations, you are reaffirming your confidence in yourself. When we do this, we open ourselves up to limitless possibilities and a world of opportunity.

3. Thrive on criticism

Conquer self-doubt by learning how to thrive on criticism. Even though self-doubt can be paralyzing or prevent us from taking action, it's vital that we don't let it. It's not easy to let constructive criticism go, but it can be done by reminding yourself that if you are being criticized, it means you are doing something right because someone is taking the time to give you their opinion. If you have a bad performance review, instead of dwelling on what you could have done better next time, think about the things that were said and ask yourself how you can use them as a learning experience rather than a self-esteem destroyer.

Key Self-Doubt Takeaway: 

Self-doubt can be paralyzing or prevent us from taking action, but self-awareness is the first step in overcoming self-doubt. Overcome self-doubt by making a plan to address it head-on and letting criticism help you learn how to thrive on self-doubt instead of being self-defeating.

4. Identify self-doubt in your body

Imagine that self-doubt is an emotion with its bodily sensation. Now try to identify what self-doubts feel like for you. 

➡️What does the self-doubt of your gut look like? 

➡️If self-doubt is a color, what shade of self-doubt are you feeling? 

➡️What kind of self-doubt feels heavy or full in your body?

Key Self-Doubt Takeaway: 

Self-doubt has both mental and physical components. By identifying self-doubts bodily sensation, you are taking control of your self-doubt rather than self-doubt controlling you.

5. Recognize signs of self-doubt

Self-doubt comes in many forms, like self-criticism, self-blame, self-sabotage, self-limiting beliefs, and self-doubt about your abilities. Recognizing self-doubts that show up in these ways can be helpful in overcoming them.

6. Identify self-doubt triggers

Self-doubts are often triggered by self-esteem issues, poor self-image, self-judgment, self-criticism, or negative self-talk. Knowing your self-doubts and how they are triggered can help you manage them more.

7. Build resilience

The more self-aware you are, the better able you are to manage self-doubt. Make self-reflection a priority. Take time to evaluate yourself and your self-doubt often, asking questions like:

➡️What areas do I struggle with? 

➡️Why do I struggle with them? 

➡️And how can I better overcome them? 

The more you assess what triggers self-doubt, the better equipped you'll be to develop strategies to self-manage self-doubt.

Key Self-Doubt Takeaway: 

Self-awareness is a self-doubt's kryptonite.

8. Practice self-compassion

When we suffer from self-doubt, we tend to be self-critical. Harsh self-criticism limits our ability to fully access and draws upon our capabilities. It also undermines self-confidence, which makes it harder to get past self-doubt in the future. So practice self-compassion instead. Self-compassion is being kind to yourself when you fail or experience self-doubt, rather than self-critical or self-deprecating. To become self-compassionate, you first need to pay attention to your self-talk. Then, remind yourself that self-doubt is a natural reaction to challenging situations rather than something you should try to avoid or "fix" because self-doubting means you are human. 

Key Self-Doubt Takeaway: 

Self-compassion is important for self-confidence and self-esteem because it allows us to build your self-worth without feeling competitive or superior to others. 

9. Network with people you admire

Surround yourself with people who are self-assured, optimistic, and enthusiastic. They'll serve as good role models for healthy self-esteem and self-confidence. You can also seek out someone who struggles with self-doubt and self-esteem issues to gain valuable insight into what you're going through.

10. Foster a Growth Mindset

People with growth mindsets believe that intelligence and ability constantly expand, so they're never limited by what they have now. To adopt this mindset, you must understand that your self-worth doesn't depend on where you start in life. Knowing you'll constantly be growing and changing is the confidence boost you need to move forward.

11. Make Self-doubt your Motivator

Self-doubt can serve as a valuable source of motivation by highlighting the gap between where you are and where you want to be. While self-doubt isn't pleasant, it can help you identify what you need to focus on to get better. In this way, self-doubt is a clue that lights the path to success and provides motivation for improvement.

12. Treat Self-Doubt as a sign that you're doing something worthwhile

No matter your age, self-doubt is a normal part of self-growth. When you feel self-doubt creeping in, remember not to get stuck there. You can address self-doubt by setting self-aspirations and achievable goals that move you toward self-improvement. When self-doubt begins, remind yourself of your self-aspiration and the progress you've made so far on it.

13. Remember your accomplishments

Know your value. We live in a world where we are constantly being told what we need to do to be happy, successful, pretty, smart, etc. Social media can make it easy to compare ourselves to others and feel like we're falling short. But you need to remember our own value. You are all special and unique individuals with your own skills and talents. When you start to doubt yourself, remember all of your accomplishments. Think about all the times you've overcome obstacles and achieved your goals. These are things that nobody can take away from you. You are strong, capable, and worthy of everything good in life! So don't let self-doubt hold you back from living your best life!


We hope you've found these tips helpful in overcoming your self-doubt. Remember, self-doubt is normal. It's what we do with that self-doubt that makes all the difference. It's a process that takes time, but with practice, you can gradually shift your mindset from one of doubt to one of confidence. And if you need a little extra help along the way, be sure to check out our Level Up & Thrive Resilience Toolkit. This toolkit is packed with resources designed to help you thrive despite your doubts. So what are you waiting for? Start leveling up today!

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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