23 Productivity Hacks for Busy Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders

23 Productivity Hacks for Busy Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Productivity is something that all entrepreneurs and professionals are always looking to improve. Productivity can be defined as the efficiency with which you use your time and resources. Productive people are usually more successful in life because they have a lot of free time to devote to other things, while less productive people often struggle with their work-life balance.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

I do this through proven science-backed and outcome-based high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

Productivity hacks help busy female entrepreneurs stay on top of everything without feeling overloaded or overwhelmed by what needs to get done at any given moment.  There are many different ways for us women to become more productive, but the following 23 ideas will definitely help keep you moving toward success!  To get started, check out these productivity hacks for busy female entrepreneurs so you, too, can put them into practice today!

1. Use the Pomodoro Technique

There's a reason the Pomodoro Technique is so popular. It helps you focus and eliminates procrastination. Here's how it works: break your work down into 25-minute increments with a 5-minute break in between. During those 25 minutes, stay focused on the task at hand and don't let yourself get distracted. You'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you're not constantly checking Facebook or answering emails. And once the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break to clear your head and recharge before diving back in for another 25 minutes. Ignore it when you feel the urge to check your text messages or web browser. The Pomodoro Technique can be a productivity game-changer for a busy female entrepreneur and leader.

Give it a try and see how much more productive you become!

2. Incorporate the 2-Minute Rule

The 2-Minute Rule is a great productivity hack for busy female entrepreneurs and leaders. It’s simple: if an action can be done in two minutes or less, do it immediately. This helps you stay on top of things without having to add tasks to your list that could quickly pile up. From responding to emails to decluttering your desk, the 2-Minute Rule will help you stay productive and organized.  The benefit of using the 2-Minute Rule is that it can save you time in the long run. When there’s no excuse to put off a task, you get more done with less stress.


- It can help you stay productive and organized

- Can save you time in the long run

- Allows you to complete tasks quickly and efficiently


- Could lead to procrastination if the task requires more effort

- Can cause a feeling of being overwhelmed

- Could lead to overlooking important tasks with time constraints.

Overall, the 2-Minute Rule is a great way to stay productive and organized without feeling overwhelmed. By incorporating this rule into your daily routine, you can ensure that all your tasks are completed in a timely manner. Just remember to be mindful of how much time you’re setting aside for each task and that some tasks require more thought and effort than the two minutes the rule suggests.

3. Take breaks throughout your day 

When I feel overwhelmed or unfocused, I take a break. I'll get up and walk around for a few minutes, or I'll drink some water. Taking a break helps me clear my head and return to my work with a fresh perspective. Although it might seem counterintuitive, taking breaks can help you become more productive. When you take breaks, you're giving your mind a chance to rest and recharge, which will make you more productive when you return to work. In addition, it's important to take breaks throughout the day. When you work for extended periods without taking a break, you're more likely to become burned out and less productive. So take a few minutes every hour or so to step away from your work and relax. I like to take a break every 50 minutes.  What are you waiting for? Go ahead, and take a break, so you maximize your productivity and stay focused and refreshed.

4. Delegate and Outsource

One of the best things that you can do to become more productive is to delegate and outsource tasks. You can easily delegate specific tasks to someone else, such as answering emails, scheduling appointments, and researching. And there are other tasks that you can outsource, such as bookkeeping, social media marketing, and web development. By delegating and outsourcing these tasks, you'll free up more time to focus on your high-impact work.

Related Article: How to achieve more freedom in your business (without sacrificing your time with the ones you love)

5.  Use templates to save time

This simple productivity hack is a game-changer. There are templates available for just about anything that you could ever need to do as a small business owner, from writing emails and blogs to creating invoices and proposals. No matter how big or small your business is, templates will help make sure nothing falls through the cracks. In addition, you can also save time by using templates that have been created for specific tasks. All of this means less stress and more success for ambitious female entrepreneurs like yourself who want to achieve their dreams without sacrificing their personal lives along the way.

Related Article: Simplify to Thrive |10 tips to save 3-5 hours every week

6. Create Routines

If there is one thing I wish someone had told me when I was starting out as an entrepreneur, it would be how important routines were in helping me stay organized and productive throughout my day. So many people think they don't have enough time in their schedule for things like exercise or meditation - but these activities may only take about 10 minutes or less each day! When you have a set routine for certain tasks, you'll find that you're able to do them more quickly and efficiently. For example, you might have a routine for checking email in the morning, working on a specific task for a certain number of hours each day, or going to bed at a certain time. Routines are something everyone can benefit from because they allow us to focus on ourselves without feeling guilty about neglecting our families or businesses.

Related Article: 7 Ways To Optimize Your Daily Routines For Maximum Productivity

7. Set a timer for 20 minutes and work on one thing at a time

When I'm feeling overwhelmed and have a lot of things to do, I like to set a timer for 20 minutes and work on one thing at a time until the timer goes off before moving on to the next task. Setting a timer helps me keep my focus while also giving me enough space between tasks to recharge if necessary. It may sound simple, but trust me - it works wonders! Also, make sure not to multitask during these 20-minute blocks of time because this will only lead to more stress and less productivity overall.

8. Quit Multitasking

Multitasking may seem like a great way to get more done, but in reality, it actually makes you less productive. Studies have shown that multitasking decreases your productivity by up to 40%, and only 2.5% of people can effectively multitask. That's because your brain can only really focus on one task at a time. When you try to juggle too many things at once, it can slow your performance and lead to more mistakes. So instead of trying to do everything at once, focus on doing one task at a time, and you'll find that you'll be able to get more done. For a better way to get stuff done fast, try grouping similar tasks together and completing them one by one. Your mind will quickly switch its focus from one task to the next, and you'll be able to accomplish more in less time. Powerful productivity starts with smart planning!

Related Article: Top 9 obstacles killing your productivity | How to overcome it and THRIVE

9. Schedule your Day in Chunks | Time blocking

Time blocking is a great way to get in the zone and stay productive. Scheduling your day into chunks helps you avoid context-switching. This prevents wasted time, maintains focus, and helps you dive deep into an important task. Studies indicate that context-switching causes up to 40% productivity loss! It’s easy to understand why - every time we switch tasks, our mind spends more energy going back and forth instead of simply focusing on one thing. To make sure nothing is getting lost in the shuffle, it's helpful to plan out your day by placing specific tasks in specific timeslots. Plus, when we commit to doing something at a certain time, it adds an accountability factor into the mix, which makes us even more likely to finish it. Take advantage of time blocking: commit yourself and succeed!

10. Identify your Most Important Tasks (M.I.T.s)

Instead of focusing on what you have to get done, try setting M.I.T.s (most important tasks) instead. Start each day by reviewing the list and asking yourself, "Is this really my priority right now? If so, why?" Once you've narrowed the list down, focus all your mental resources on accomplishing just these most important tasks. This way, you'll feel more in control and will likely get more done than if you were juggling multiple things at once. You don't need to try to do too much at once - if you focus on getting 5 MITs (one task per day) completed that are closely linked to your goal by the end of the week, you should definitely have moved in closer towards attaining it! Writing your MITs down is also really helpful - apart from keeping you focused and helping you not slack off, it allows for a better reflective assessment of your progress at the end of each day or week. To make sure of its effectiveness, though, I suggest jotting down those tasks that have been identified as most important every night before bed or in the morning when you're more likely to be clear-headed and productive!

11.  Implement the 80/20 rule

This rule states that 80% of your results are achieved by 20% of your efforts. This is also known as the Pareto Principle.  Implementing this rule can help you to figure out what you should focus on. It's important to prioritize what's most important to you. I make a list of my tasks, and then I rank them according to importance. If it's not something that is absolutely necessary for me to do, I don't do it! This is really hard, though, because there are always important things but not urgent. I now schedule my day in blocks corresponding with how much time I have available. By doing this, I can ensure that the most important things get done first before the less important ones.

12. Have themes for each day

Themed days are strategically planned days in your calendar in which you focus exclusively on one task or a related group of tasks. For example, Monday could be for marketing tasks, Tuesday for product development tasks, Wednesday for sales tasks, etc. Having a theme for each day also helps avoid decision fatigue because you're only making decisions about what you will work on that day, not what you can work on. Theme Days can be a great way to help you stay productive and level up your work. It allows you to set aside specific days for different tasks, such as meetings, communications, or high-level strategic planning. Having these predetermined goals in place will allow you to remain organized and focused on the most important tasks each day. Having a theme for each day also helps avoid decision fatigue because you're only making decisions about what you will work on that day, not what you can work on. Furthermore, it will become more effective if it becomes a regular part of your routine. This way, you can ensure that each workday is efficiently and effectively utilized. With this simple but effective tool, you'll be able to maximize your productivity in no time.

13. Meditate or do yoga every day

A practice of meditation or yoga can help 10X your productivity. It is vital to keep your body healthy because if you're feeling good, then you will be more productive. If you don't have time for a proper yoga session, try some simple stretches that only take 2 minutes. It also helps improve your concentration and focus by clearing your mind. Mediation is one of the best ways to allow our brains to think, relax and be at peace. It's proven that meditation helps reduce anxiety and stress. When we're stressed, it's often hard to stay focused. Research also suggests that it can change parts of our brains.   The areas of the brain that mediation can affect are: 

  • The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision making

  • Hippocampus is responsible for memory and learning

  • The amygdala controls our emotional response

14. Let Go of Perfectionism

Feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks? Let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect. Perfectionism can paralyze even the most driven individuals, causing unneeded stress and distraction. A productivity hack that will free up more time and energy is to focus on doing “good enough” instead of striving for perfection. Aiming for excellence instead of perfection allows you to still produce great work but with less attention to unnecessary details. Keep your eyes focused on what matters, prioritize tasks intelligently, and you will get more done without giving in to perfectionist urges. Take control within your limits and maximize efficiency!

15. Keep yourself on track and organized by using a planner or calendar to stay ahead of the game.

Staying organized with a planner or calendar is a great productivity hack to get more done. Whether you use paper or digital, a planner helps you become more aware and intentional with your time. With a planner, you can easily locate tasks that need to be accomplished and set deadlines to motivate yourself while still leaving room for flexibility when needed. Furthermore, if you stick to the schedule, it can help maximize the time that is available by minimizing distractions and procrastination. Using a planner can be an incredibly effective way of achieving goals, staying on top of tasks, and reaching desired outcomes in less time!

16. Establish a Timeline for yourself and ensure that you remain accountable to it - no excuses!

Want to get more done? An easy way to be productive is to set deadlines for yourself and stick to them. Not only will deadlines make your work feel more urgent, they can also help keep your tasks organized! Timeboxing is a great strategy: Give yourself a certain amount of time within which to complete a task. You'll quickly find that this level of accountability motivates you to push through distractions, spend less time procrastinating, and achieve better results. Whether it's a major project or some small task, setting and meeting deadlines shows that you're self-disciplined and hardworking – a great skill no matter the job. So don't wait – set some deadlines today and get on the path to productivity!

17. Energize with Exercise Improve Work Productivity

Exercising is an essential activity for a productive day at work. Not only does it help boost alertness and increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, it also causes serotonin release, which improves our state of mind and enables us to better handle the highs and lows of our working lives. On top of that, regular exercise reduces stress-related illnesses, meaning fewer days off for us - or our employees! Whether you go for a power walk, run, or strength train with your friends, why not get energized so that you can make headway with your big projects? Energize with exercise and reap the rewards!

18. Declutter Your Workspace

As an entrepreneur or leader, it's essential to recognize that productivity is the foundation of success, and creating a clean workspace can be key. Tidy up your office and make sure you keep only the essentials on hand - those few items that have an immediate purpose and will help with content creation or focus. Not only will this give you more time to focus on the task, it also gives you greater access to documents stored within the cloud. Additionally, a decluttered work environment provides mental clarity and peace of mind. It allows room for concentration and prevents distraction while allowing space for creativity! So seize control over your productivity and get energized by keeping a tidy workspace!

19. Use Fridays for Refocusing on Weekly Goals

There's nothing wrong with having fun but doing it strategically. Dedicate Friday afternoons to planning out your weeks with productivity in mind. Do you have a big project coming up? Block time for it on your calendar throughout the week. You might think you can plan productivity into your calendar at any old time. But here's the deal, setting aside an hour or two each Friday helps keep productivity at the forefront of your mind without feeling like a burden.

20. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Working towards my productivity goals can sometimes be a challenge, but having the right tools makes it much easier! My favorite trio of apps - Asana, Dropbox, and Funnel Gorgeous - really help me stay connected and organized. Aside from being in love with Asana (how couldn't I be? It's such a great tool to keep everyone on the same page!), I'm grateful for the security that Dropbox provides when sharing files with friends and members of my remote team. And let's not forget Funnel Gorgeous - this app has saved me so much time by automatically building sleek landing pages fast, taking every online project or campaign to the next level! All three are critical components of my productivity toolkit, and I couldn't do what I do without them. Bottomline, technology can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to productivity. Figure out what tools help you stay organized and productive and use them to your advantage. With a few strategic apps and programs, you can streamline your workflow and get things done faster.

21. Implement the Eisenhower matrix   

The Eisenhower Matrix is a great way to prioritize tasks and determine which are urgent and important. This matrix helps you organize your tasks into four categories: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. By visualizing your tasks in this way, you can easily identify what needs to be done first and which tasks can wait for later.


- Easily identifies what needs to be done first 

- Visualizes your tasks in a simple way

- Helps prioritize tasks with different levels of urgency and importance


- Could lead to procrastination if the task is not considered urgent or important

- Could lead to overlooking tasks that don’t fit into the matrix

- Requires a certain level of self-discipline in order to be effective.

Overall, the Eisenhower Matrix is a great way to prioritize tasks and ensure they are completed on time. By using this method, you can quickly identify what needs to be done first, giving you more time and energy to focus on the important tasks. Just remember to use it as a guide rather than a strict rule in order to prevent procrastination or overlooking important tasks that don’t fit into the matrix.

22. Get rid of distractions 

It can be hard to stay productive day in and day out. That's why it can be helpful to employ certain strategies to keep us on track and check items off our to-do lists. One such strategy is an incredibly simple one - get rid of distractions! This can mean closing the door, silencing chimes from incoming emails, or even avoiding social media for a time that has been set aside for working. If you find yourself constantly being pulled away from important tasks by notifications and text messages, you might want to try turning off notifications on your phone. You can even set up a 'focus mode' where only selected people and apps will be able to reach you- so you can stay focused on the job at hand without worrying about random distractions. We tend to overestimate how much we can accomplish in a short span of time and underestimate what we can do with focus, discipline, and dedication over longer periods of time. Let's free ourselves up by reducing those pesky distractions so that we may achieve those goals with ease!

23. Work with a high-performance success coach

Working with a certified high-performance success coach can be a truly life-changing experience. Not only do these coaches help you understand more about the way you work, they also provide tailored plans to maximize your productivity. These techniques go beyond the usual time management techniques; instead, they focus on things like managing energy, changing mindsets, and using accountability to reach your goals. With the help of your experienced coach, you can combat procrastination and feel in control every day. That's because having someone to offer inspiring support and guidance helps keep motivation levels up even during challenging times. Plus, as an added bonus, when you make progress and see positive results, it further reinforces that feeling of success that comes from being productive. So take the plunge today - working with a certified high-performance success coach just might transform your life for the better.


Productivity is the key to success for any entrepreneur or professional. And while it may seem like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done, these 23 productivity hacks for busy female entrepreneurs and leaders will help you make the most of your time so that you can achieve your goals. Try out a few of these ideas and see how they work for you. Then, book your complimentary high-performance strategy session with me so we can talk about how you can take your business or career to the next level. I'll provide some customized tips and advice on how you can increase your productivity even more. So what are you waiting for? Let's chat!

P.S. Need additional support in living a high-performance productive life. Grab my Level Up and Thrive EASY Checklist.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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