12 Ways An High-Performance Coach Can Make You More Successful

12 Ways An High-Performance Coach Can Make You More Successful

Having a high-performance coach is the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving success. This isn't just about getting healthier or fitter; it's about transforming how you think, acts, and interact with those around you. With a high-performance coach's help, you can transition to a higher level of business, personal, and relationship growth that will bring lasting transformation by implementing sustainable practices that drastically enhance mindset and behavior.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

I do this through proven science-backed and outcome-based high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

Research reveals an urgent need for professional coaching and outside advice from consultants. A Stanford survey found that, although almost 100% of CEOs acknowledge the value of receiving coaching and would enjoy it, only 66% actually receive any external guidance. Similarly, a ten-year Harvard Business Review study discovered that 61% of executives feel woefully unprepared to take on challenging senior-level leadership roles. These insights prove that executive coaching is a vital tool for success in the professional world.

1. Performance Edge | Tap Into Your Limitless Potentials Through High-Performance Coaching!

“Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results.” Brian Tracy

A high-performance coach can help you soar to unimaginable heights and become the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life. They will guide you in your career and provide insight into how to ensure that other areas- such as relationships and self-care - are not impacted by daily pressures. An experienced high-performance coach will help you raise the bar and reach your full potential to experience a more fulfilling life. Transform yourself today and unlock your true potential! You can live with purpose, passion, and success with their support.

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2. Mindfulness | Unlock Your True Potential: Harness the Power of Mindfulness

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in the reality.” Robin Sharma

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help cultivate self-awareness and emotional intelligence, allowing you to make more informed decisions and live with intention. From the late Oprah Winfrey to Brendon Burchard, Steve Jobs, Ray Dalio, Marc Benioff, Jeff Weiner, Arianna Huffington, and many other successful leaders have attributed their success in part to meditation. By developing greater self-awareness, you can be mindful of each decision and action you take. In turn, this will lead to increased emotional intelligence - the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions to interact with others more effectively. Compassionate leaders have proven to inspire those around them, creating stronger cultures and loyalty. A high-performance coach can help you unlock this potential, providing the practice and guidance needed to ensure harmony and avoid burnout. Mindfulness is more than a buzzword – it's life-changing! Take back control of your life today with a mindful approach.

3. Resilience | Unlock Your Inner Resilience and Thrive Amidst Life's Curveballs!

“When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.” Jaeda Dewalt

Stress can have a devastating impact on the performance and productivity of individuals and organizations alike. However, with the right coaching, you can effectively manage stress while utilizing its benefits to build resilience. By adopting a growth mindset and equipping yourself with the tools and strategies necessary, you will not only be able to survive life's toughest challenges; you will thrive and become more resilient in the process. With these strategies in place, your resilience to future hardships can continue to rise over time as part of a mindful leadership approach. The Penn Resiliency Program has already demonstrated that organizations can foster an atmosphere of unwavering strength throughout their teams with such initiatives. Therefore, if you genuinely want to learn how to bounce back from life's inevitable curveballs, you owe it to yourself to equip yourself with the skills and strategies that will help you become a resilient leader.

4. uNLOCK Clarity |The Key to Achieving Your Goals and Living a Fulfilling Life

“It is a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” Unknown

When stress, fear, and limiting beliefs cloud our judgment, making clear decisions and taking consistent action can be challenging. To unlock Clarity of thought and peak performance, we must nurture physical and mental fitness equally. A high-performance coach helps you attend to these needs with guided self-development so that your body and mind become fit for purpose.

Awareness and Clarity pave the way for powerful decision-making, essential for creating impactful business outcomes and quality life. Focusing intensely on tasks or conversations puts us in the zone of flow, which breeds breakthroughs, satisfaction, and joy. Working with an experienced coach can lead to blue skies, focus, and flow – the trifecta needed for success in the age of distraction and noise. Take control of your thoughts and unlock Clarity today – you won't regret it!

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5. Broadened Perspectives | Access Different Lenses

“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Stephen R. Covey

We are all prone to blind spots, but a high-performance coach can help identify and overcome them by acting as a devil's advocate or silent advisory board. Understanding different mindsets and learning to view the world through others' eyes can increase our emotional intelligence and create an inclusive environment where every voice is valued. The cognitive diversity this brings can be a key driver of innovation and agility, strengthening organizational culture. Additionally, through confidential guidance from an experienced coach, executives, and business owners/leaders gain insight into other leaders' challenges, fears, and successes to alleviate any sense of isolation or loneliness at the top. Awareness of our biases and blind spots gives us access to a powerful perspective that can provide invaluable guidance. All of this combined helps create a more confident, influential leader with the resilience and strength needed to thrive in the fast-paced world of executive leadership. With the right perspective, you will have all the tools you need to move your business forward.

6. Communication | Develop Your Communication Skills to Achieve Lasting Impact

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” Peter Drucker

Successful leaders understand the power of communication. It serves as a vital barometer of organizational health, and effective communicators can cultivate and nurture relationships that provide the connective tissue needed to hold an organization together. Poor communication, however, can have disastrous consequences—disrupting businesses, ruining professional and personal relationships, and sometimes leading to irreparable damage. CEOs in the Stanford survey listed conflict and interpersonal communication as among the biggest challenges they face—so those with high emotional intelligence who can see multiple perspectives have an advantage.

A High- Performance coach can help you refine your communication skills to continue connecting effectively and making a lasting impact. Working with a high-performance coach helps you to explore more of your potential for success and make lasting positive changes. It isn't just about the content of what we communicate but the way that we do it too. Coaching can help you to develop essential communication skills: learning how to listen, ask powerful questions, and be truly present, understanding our non-verbal language, building trust through vulnerability and empathy, feeling assertive without being aggressive or overbearing, and finding an impactful tone of voice that gives weight to our conversations. The result? You'll become a better communicator and feel more confident in yourself. With improved communication skills, expect increased self-awareness, greater fulfillment, and more successful relationships.

7. Relationship | Unlocking the Keys to Powerful Communication & Clarity for Maximum Fulfillment & Success

“Most relationships die not from natural causes. They are killed by selfishness, neglect, lies, lack of consideration, and secrets.” Unknown

Leaders who embrace Clarity and powerful communication thrive in fostering meaningful relationships within their organization and in all aspects of life. They understand that rapport is the key to building trust, understanding, and appreciation between both parties - essential elements for successful collaboration and taking risks. Whether developing inherent charisma or further honing interpersonal skills, high perfomance coaches can provide the valuable insight and guidance needed to build solid rapport and establish strong relationships. This will nurture greater fulfillment and success, both professionally and personally.

8. Confidence | Radiate with Executive Excellence and Command the Room with Unstoppable Confidence.

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” Michelle Obama

Embody Executive Excellence and Presence - Confidence is the key to the successful execution of any goal. Realizing this, my clients invest in their self-development to cultivate the confidence to move forward with conviction and Clarity. Even highly successful people can experience imposter syndrome or feel inadequate—despite clear evidence of achievement. An effective high-performance coach can help clients find the boldness and courage to stand in their self-assuredness. Becoming a leader across all aspects of life—work, home, community, and life—requires a strong foundation of inner confidence. Together we will work on building that indestructible platform you need to face any challenge with Clarity and courage.

9. Accountability | Reach Your Goals with an Accountability Partner

“Accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results.” Bob Proctor

A high-performance coach provides the perfect accountability partner to help you stay on track and reach your goals. Research shows that we are 65% more likely to meet a goal if we commit to another person, with success rates as high as 95% when regular check-ins follow that commitment. Your coach will motivate and guide you away from what you don't want and towards what you do - helping you to push past procrastination and other obstacles that stand in the way of achieving success. With an accountability partner, your dreams are within reach – allowing you to create a better career, business, home life, relationships, or lifestyle. 

10.  Courage |High-Performance Coaching to Take Courageous Action

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the COURAGE To CONTINUE that counts.” Winston Churchill

High-performance coaching is designed to propel you towards your goals, which is why it's so important to have a coach who will encourage you to take courageous action. A good coach can provide deep insight into effective planning, offer creative solutions to any obstacles, and encourage you when taking on difficult challenges and opportunities. Courageous action is essential when striving for success as it requires risk-taking with the potential of failure in order to drive progress and growth both personally and professionally. Your high-performance coach will develop an action plan with benchmarks for progress alongside encouragement for decisive steps that can bring you closer to achieving your vision. Taking courageous action is an advantageous habit that can create a breakthrough from mediocrity – and your coach can help make it happen.

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11. Influence | Harness Your Influence… Let It Power You Forward

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” Ken Blanchard

In today's world, influence is essential for success. It can open doors to opportunities that are impossible to attain without it. If you want to make an impact and become a force in your industry, it starts with developing your influence. Working with a high-performance coach can help you build influence, become more successful, and reach your goals faster than ever. Coaching provides an opportunity to assess where you are in your professional and personal life, giving you the space to identify particular ideas or habits that may be holding you back. Your coach will help you cultivate these areas, offering personalized strategies and action items to boost your performance, such as setting aside time each day for personal growth and development or proactively networking with fellow industry experts. With an expert by your side offering support, guidance, and accountability, you’ll find yourself much more likely to take risks and finally take control of what was once out of reach. Not only will working with a high-performance coach give you the tools you need to achieve long-term success, but it will also equip you with career skills that can be applied outside of a coaching context after the sessions have concluded.

12. productivity | Maximize Your Efficiency… Take Your Productivity to the Next Level

“Productivity isn’t about being a workhorse. Keeping busy or burning the midnight oil… It’s more about priorities, planning, and fiercely protecting your time.” Gary Keller

For those looking for ways to become more effective and productive every day, a high-performance coach can be the answer. With their experience, expertise, and knowledge of productivity techniques, as well as insight into behavior changes that could help bring about success, a coach can set you on the path to taking your efficiency to the next level. With a tailored plan focused on increasing and sustaining improvement with motivation from someone always on your side, working with a coach allows you to tackle any areas hindering your success head-on.


To summarize the effectiveness of high-performance coaching, let’s review the major points of this post. One, having an experienced high-performance coach can bring about a range of successful outcomes for athletes and executives alike. Two, hiring one is key to unlocking potential and steering you on your journey to success in various aspects of your life. Three, research confirms that there is an obvious need for such professional advice. Therefore, if you want to take your performance to the next level today and create a balanced lifestyle that promotes success on all fronts, consider hiring a high-performance coach who will walk alongside you every step of the way! They are experts in their field who have helped thousands unlock their potential and tap into the power of partnership. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started with your goals now! Take the first step and book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today!

P.S. Need additional support in living a high-performance productive life. Grab my Level Up and Thrive EASY Checklist.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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