23 Small Habits to change your life for the better (so you can achieve your goals with confidence and grace.)

23 Small Habits to change your life for the better (so you can achieve your goals with confidence and grace.)

Believe it or not, your life is a result of the habits you have formed. And if you aren't happy with where you are, it's time to change your habits. Whether you're a busy mom trying to find time for yourself, an entrepreneur looking to increase productivity, or simply someone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle, these habits will help get you there.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

I do this through proven science-backed and outcome-based high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

Here are 22 small habits that will change your life for the better, so you can finally achieve your goal.

So what are you waiting for? Start forming some good habits today!

1. Practice Self-Compassion

If you want to make a meaningful change in your life, start with something as small as practicing self-compassion. Instead of comparing yourself to others, take the time to reflect on your progress and celebrate your accomplishments. Remember that everyone is making their own journey, and no one's success should be the standard for yours. Self-acceptance can help you gain a healthier perspective of how far you have come already, allowing you to adjust course when need be without berating yourself unreasonably. Once you cultivate a genuine appreciation for yourself, watch how it inspires you to set even more ambitious goals and strive towards great things!

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2. Follow Your Circadian Rhythm

Whether you know it or not, following your Circadian Rhythm is one of the most powerful small habits you can pick up to make huge improvements in your life. This natural cycle of the body helps keep watch on when we’re most energetic and alert, making sure that our day-to-day functioning runs as smoothly as possible. Long-term benefits of following Such a rhythm include better quality sleep and higher energy during the day when it’s needed. This simple change can help anyone lead a more productive and healthy lifestyle. So why not reap the rewards of an easy-as-pie habit? Give your body what it asks for and focus on sticking to your internal clockwork—you won’t regret it!

3. Plan for tomorrow before bed each night

Planning for tomorrow can have a substantial effect on improving your quality of life. It doesn't have to be anything big, just making a short list of what you need to do the next day when you're getting ready for bed will pay dividends in terms of peace of mind. It allows you to let go of any worries or anxieties over things that are outside of your control for the night and helps you get a sufficient amount of restful sleep. Plus, when you wake up, it's much easier to get in the groove with tasks you've planned out instead of feeling anxious over how to start your day. All it takes is a few minutes, but the benefits can be immense! Try out this small habit today and feel the change in yourself tomorrow.

4. Take at least one day off each week

Taking one day off a week can have an incredibly positive impact on your life. It gives you the chance to reflect and recharge, which will benefit both your mental and physical health. From resting for an entire day to making small changes like getting more sleep or doing something creative, giving yourself some well-deserved break time can open up new opportunities and inspirations. Plus, having an extra day set aside allows you to take care of yourself without feeling guilty about it – as long as you’re still taking care of your other responsibilities, too! All in all, a weekly day off is a consequential habit change that can provide tremendous value for your overall well-being.

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5. Drink More Water

Did you know that drinking more water is one small habit that can change your life for the better? Not only does it help to keep your body functioning properly, but it also leads to clearer thinking, increased energy levels, improved digestion and healthier skin. So next time you’re feeling a bit sluggish or out of sorts – make a conscious effort to reach for some refreshing H2O instead of coffee or another energy-boosting beverage. Your future self will thank you for making this simple switch!

6. Set a timer for 20 minutes and work on one thing at a time

When I'm feeling overwhelmed and have a lot of things to do, I like to set a timer for 20 minutes and work on one thing at a time until the timer goes off before moving on to the next task. Setting a timer helps me keep my focus while also giving me enough space between tasks to recharge if necessary. It may sound simple, but trust me - it works wonders! Also, make sure not to multitask during these 20-minute blocks of time because this will only lead to more stress and less productivity overall.

7. Take a "media fast" every once in a while

Taking a "media fast" has tremendous benefits for your mental health and well-being. Disconnecting from gadgets, technology, and social media can help reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, increase productivity and enhance creative thinking skills. It doesn't have to be a long break; even a few hours away from your screens can make a world of difference in resetting and recharging. Choose certain days or blocks of time during which you won't check in with every app or notification that comes along – instead, take this precious time to listen to yourself and connect with your own inner thoughts. Just like regular exercise is good for your physical health, committing to digital detoxing is key to mental well-being!

8. Swap “I’m sorry for Thank You”

Saying "thank you" instead of "I'm sorry" can be a powerful small habit that changes your life for the better. When we apologize, it often conveys feelings of shame and guilt, but when we express gratitude to others, it speaks volumes in terms of respect and encourages a sense of self-empowerment. Practicing this habit helps to remind ourselves that we have agency in our own lives and can take ownership over even minor successes or opportunities that come our way. Instead of focusing on the issues that are out of our control or not our fault, expressing appreciation will put us into an uplifted and confident mindset that is better equipped to deal with life's challenges.

9. Declutter daily

Incorporating a small habit of decluttering every day can have a huge positive impact on your life. Making even the smallest efforts to minimize physical clutter will improve not only your physical space but also your mental outlook. Being able to create some order out of chaos is incredibly satisfying and allows more efficiency in daily tasks. Begin by dedicating 10-15 minutes each day to tackling a specific area, be it a desk drawer or a closet shelf. Make sure to stay consistent with this habit so you don't get inundated with built-up messiness that can skewer your motivation. Once you've mastered this small purposeful habit, you'll find yourself starting to apply it to other areas of your life for an even larger overall transformation.

10.  Create a morning ritual

Are you tired every morning and feel like you lack energy and motivation? Creating a morning ritual can help to improve your life drastically. Starting the day off on the right foot is key, so begin by taking some deep breaths and stretching. A few yoga poses can be extremely energizing, and it doesn't take much time. Having something delicious to eat is also important; a nutritious breakfast will not only keep you full until lunch but provide essential vitamins and minerals that fuel your body. Additionally, having an activity that you look forward to doing in the morning will provide a moment of joy that carries throughout the day — it could be reading an inspirational book, listening to music, or taking a hot shower. Taking the time for yourself first thing in the morning sets positive intentions for the rest of your day!

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11. Tackle one task at a time

Having big dreams and ambitions is admirable, but it can be easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. To get you on the path to your best life, try tackling one task at a time. This small habit of focusing on one thing will help you tackle larger goals without feeling overwhelmed, and it will increase your confidence as you move forward. It also helps to remember that progress doesn't happen overnight. Setting manageable, achievable goals and taking things step by step is the best way to see positive results that last - now and in the future!

12. Do Breath Work

Doing something small every day can have a big impact on your life, and there's no better way to start than with taking the time to focus on your breathing. Taking five deep breaths for several minutes a day can greatly relieve stress, increase overall well-being, and help you stay focused in times of difficulty or uncertainty. Not only has this practice been around for centuries as an ancient spiritual practice, but it's also been scientifically proven to be beneficial too! Take the time today to begin a lifelong habit of mindful breathing - it's an effective and easy way to improve the quality of your life!

13. Don't be afraid to ask for help

While it can be intimidating to ask for help, this small habit has been known to change lives for the better. Whether you are struggling academically, tackling a difficult home project, or trying to advance in your career, having someone else aid you can provide invaluable insight, support, and advice to encourage growth or simply see an outside perspective. Asking for help takes courage, but the reward and positive outcomes that follow can far outweigh any anxiety or fear that may come with it. Furthermore, those around you are likely eager to share their experience and expertise - all you need to do is make the first move and take that brave step forward toward a better tomorrow!

14. Follow the "two-minute rule."

Making positive changes in your life doesn't have to be overwhelming. If you focus on making small, sustainable habits, you can gradually work your way up to the bigger goals and make lasting changes. One great habit to get started with is called the "two-minute rule." It essentially states that if something can be done in two minutes or less, then it's better to do it right away rather than putting it off. This can help minimize procrastination and make sure our daily tasks get completed quickly and efficiently, from returning an email or cleaning the kitchen sink. Implementing this two-minute rule into your life can have a big payoff and result in more productive days with better energy management. Why not give it a try?

16. Read a chapter of an interesting book every night before bed

One of the most rewarding and energizing small habits you can form to reap long-term benefits is reading before bedtime. Setting aside just one hour, or even less, to read a chapter or two of an interesting book each night can stimulate your imagination and provide much-needed rejuvenation at the end of a long, hard day. With this simple, powerless habit, you set yourself up for improved mental concentration, emotional resilience, and better problem-solving skills throughout the day. Moreover, reading fiction cultivates empathy by allowing us to understand how different people think and operate in different contexts, preparing us for interactions with others in real life. Finally, for those evenings when stress may be higher than usual, an engaging chapter can help you destress and drift into a deep sleep that will energize you the next morning - ready for whatever demands the new day throws at you!

17. Eating More Greens and Nourishing Foods

Eating more greens and nourishing foods is an incredibly easy but effective way to make a positive impact on your life. Greens such as kale, spinach, arugula, and bok choy are packed with nutrients that’ll keep your body functioning optimally and leave you feeling energized. Additionally, adding healthy sources of plant-based proteins like legumes and quinoa can ensure that you’re getting the fuel you need each day without sacrificing taste or satisfaction. Starting small with switching out one processed snack for an apple can soon lead to a really healthy lifestyle. Changing up your diet for the better is totally possible, and you don’t have to make dramatic changes to do so - simply increasing the nutrient-dense food in your diet can show huge benefits to your overall well-being.

18. Organize Your To-Do List Based on your audacious goals

The first step to changing your life for the better is to make sure you have your priorities set straight. You don't want to be wasting time on 'nice-to-do' tasks while neglecting those that will get you closer to your goals. One way to help stay organized is by creating a ToDo list based on your most audacious goals. When outlining, try to think of short-term tasks that move you along the right path and keep an eye on the bigger picture. Whenever in doubt, refer back to this visual goalkeeper and reflect - it'll give you that extra push needed. Start small and work up - every bit of progress brings satisfaction and confidence!

19. Recognize your stress coping mechanisms

Everyone experiences difficult moments in life. Learning to cope with life's hardships can be daunting, but it's a crucial skill to have. A great small habit to improve our lives is recognizing our coping mechanisms. Taking the time to consider how you deal with challenges and stressors can help you understand yourself better and ultimately become a stronger person. Identify things that make you feel relaxed or centered and turn them into rituals - whether it's taking an evening walk, practicing yoga, reading a book, or engaging in conversation with a friend - and use them as tools when times get tough. Incorporating positive routines into your lifestyle is an incredibly powerful tool that can set you up for success not just in tackling any hard situation you come across but in feeling more at ease with yourself.

20. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night

Getting quality sleep is often overlooked as an important part of our health, yet it can have a huge positive impact on our lives. Aiming for seven to eight hours of sleep every night can help you feel more energized and confident throughout the day, allowing you to be more productive and better prepared to tackle any challenges that arise. Regularly getting a good amount of quality sleep also has added benefits, like helping to improve concentration, memory, and mood, so it can really make a difference in your life. Make this small habit change tonight, and get the restful sleep you need to take on tomorrow with newfound energy!

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21. Take time for exercise 3-4 days a week

If you want to start improving your life for the better, one effective small habit to get started with is to set aside some time at least 3-4 days a week for exercise. Whether it’s going for a run, hitting the gym, attending yoga, or even just taking a walk in the park; any form of physical activity will help you feel energized and ready to take on daily tasks from work or home. Making time in your schedule can be difficult, but if you make it part of your everyday habits, this small change will have long-lasting impacts on your overall physical and mental well-being. Plus, who doesn’t love those endorphins?! So don't wait - make the effort today to get moving and get motivated.

22. Give Yourself actionable deadlines

One of the most effective small habits you can build to improve your life is setting clear deadlines for yourself. Drawing a timeline and holding yourself accountable to actionable goals will help you stay focused and motivated toward your goals. Deadlines also help to keep procrastination from taking over; without a finish line in sight, projects may never be completed. Commit to a deadline that works best for what you're trying to accomplish, but be sure to leave some wiggle room in case things don't go as planned. Clear deadlines are a powerful tool that, when combined with an achievable plan, can help you find success in any area of your life!

23. Keep an inspiration board on your wall or digitally

Keeping an inspiration board is a great way to start feeling more positive, energized, and confident. It can be on your wall or even exist digitally! Having quotes and images that really speak to you in one handy location makes it easy to get creative and maintain motivation for accomplishing goals. Pick different items each day, week, or month - such as inspiring words, goals, and results you want to achieve, a meaningful verse or quote - and place them on your board. Try utilizing bright colors of index cards along with photos that are motivating; this will give it a unique feel while also adding life to the room/space you’re working in. You will eventually see how much this simple habit has revolutionized your thinking process, so don't hesitate - to start creating your inspiration board today!


These 23 habits will totally change your life for the better--guaranteed. And if you need help implementing them or creating goals to achieve, please reach out! I would be more than happy to book a complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session with you so that you can get you on the path to success ASAP. Trust me; these Habits work like magic...I know because I've lived them myself and seen my clients experience incredible results too. You deserve to live an abundant, healthy, and fulfilling life full of happiness and prosperity. So let's make it happen!

P.S. Need additional support in living a high-performance productive life. Grab my Level Up and Thrive EASY Checklist.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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