Why short-term comfort is keeping you from achieving your next level results (tips to get you moving)
You know that feeling when you just want to stay in bed all day and binge-watch Netflix? Or when you'd rather hit the drive-thru for dinner instead of cooking a healthy meal?
We've all been there, and sometimes, short-term comfort is the best option. But what if I told you that your comfort zone keeps you from achieving your next-level results? That's right, those little things you do every day to avoid discomfort prevent you from reaching your full potential.
Here's why: Comfort breeds complacency. When we're comfortable, we're not motivated to change or improve. We become content with where we're at, even if it's not where we want to be. On the other hand, discomfort forces us to grow. It's uncomfortable to face our fears and step outside our comfort zones, but that's where the magic happens.
When challenged, we rise to the occasion and allow ourselves to reach new levels of success.
Real growth and success happen when you step outside of your comfort zone and into the land of discomfort.
Benefits of Leaving the Comfort Zone
“The sooner you step away from your comfort zone you’ll realize that it really wasn’t all that comfortable.”
One of the most important things you can do for your business or career is to step out of your comfort zone. That’s not to say that you should constantly be pushing yourself to the brink of failure, but it is important to challenge yourself on a regular basis.
Here are four benefits of leaving your comfort zone:
1. You’ll learn new things.
If you never step out of your comfort zone, you’ll never learn anything new. When you push yourself to try new things, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. You might discover a new hobby or skill that you would never have otherwise.
2. You’ll become more confident.
Leaving your comfort zone can be scary, but it’s also an opportunity to build confidence. When you accomplish something that you thought was beyond your capabilities, it can give you a major boost in confidence. This newfound confidence can help you in all areas of your life, both personal and professional.
3. You’ll meet new people.
One of the best things about stepping out of your comfort zone is that it allows you to meet new people. When you try new activities or go to new places, you’ll encounter people with different backgrounds and perspectives. These interactions can enrich your life and make you more well-rounded as a person.
4. You’ll get outside of your own head.
It’s easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and perspective when you stay in your comfort zone. But when you venture outside of it, you’re forced to confront different points of view. This can help broaden your horizons and improve your ability to see both sides of every issue.
So don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone every once in a while. It just might be the best thing you ever do for your business or career – and for yourself!
Here are 10 tips to get you moving and out of your comfort zone:
1. Set realistic goals that challenge you but are still achievable.
“The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, not so far that you break.”
When it comes to setting goals, it is important to find a balance between challenging yourself and staying realistic. After all, if your goals are too easy, you won't feel motivated to achieve them. There are many different ways to set goals. Some methods are structured like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), which involve setting measurable goals and figuring out the steps needed to achieve them. But you can also set more general goals by picturing what you want your life to look like in the future, then breaking that vision down into smaller, more manageable steps.
It's important to set realistic goals that challenge you but aren't impossible. That way, you'll stay motivated and make progress towards your ultimate goal. And as you achieve your smaller goals, you'll be able to raise the bar and set even bigger challenges for yourself. Just make sure not to set so many goals at once that you become overwhelmed and can't focus.
2. Make a plan of action to help you reach your goals.
“Excuses are a time thief. Have a goal, accept responsibility, and take action!”
Once you have set your goals, creating a plan of action is important to help you achieve them. You'll want to start by defining what those goals are. Once you have a good idea of what it is you want to achieve, break those goals down into smaller and more attainable steps.
This plan should include specific steps you need to take to reach your goals. Without a plan, staying on track and achieving your desired results will be difficult.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, your action steps might be things like eating healthier foods, working out several times per week, and drinking plenty of water. Once you have your specific steps in place, make sure to put them into a schedule and stick to it as best as possible. Reward yourself for completing tasks on your plan, and don't get discouraged if there are bumps in the road - just keep pushing forward.
3. Take small steps outside of your comfort zone each day |Get comfortable with discomfort.
“The man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones.”
Discomfort is a funny thing. It's essential for growth, but we often do everything we can to avoid it. We stay in our comfort zones, afraid to venture out into the unknown. But discomfort is where the magic happens. It's where we learn and grow. It's where we find our power. So if you're feeling discomfort, embrace it. Embrace the fact that you're out of your comfort zone and that you're growing. And remember, you're not alone. There are plenty of other people who have been in your shoes and who have gone through the same thing. So don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. There are people who want to help you succeed. And Yes, it will be uncomfortable at times, but that's what makes it so special. Embrace the discomfort and enjoy the ride.
Here are a few tips for taking small steps outside your comfort zone each day:
1. Try something new.
2. Take on a new challenge.
3. Make a new friend.
4. Take the scenic route to work or school.
5. Eat something you've never eaten before (or even heard of).
6. Join a club or group that interests you but that you're not familiar with.
7. Talk to people in different social circles than the ones you typically hang
8. Speak up more often
By taking small steps outside your comfort zone each day, you'll gradually get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. And that's a good thing because it means you're pushing yourself to grow and learn new things. Taking small steps outside your comfort zone is one of the best ways to overcome your fear of discomfort. By gradually pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you will feel more confident and capable of handling uncomfortable situations.
4. See Failure as a mentor.
“Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is an opportunity for me to rise.”
In today's fast-paced, competitive world, it's easy to see failure as a sign that we're not good enough. But the truth is, failure is one of the best teachers we could ever have. Every time we fail, we learn a little bit more about ourselves and what it takes to succeed. Failure also teaches us to be resilient and to pick ourselves up after we've been knocked down. Entrepreneurs, in particular, know that failure is an essential part of the journey to success. And the most successful people are often the ones who have failed the most. So next time you find yourself facing failure, remember that it's not the end of the world. It's just another opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace it, and use it to become even stronger and more successful. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you in your comfort zone.
5. Be patient and don't expect overnight success.
“Have patience with all things. But, first of all with yourself.”
Changing your comfort zone takes time, and patience is vital throughout the process. It is also essential to keep in mind that success seldom happens overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your new comfort zone. Just remember to take things one step at a time and celebrate your successes along the way. Entrepreneurs and leaders know the importance of being patient. The fact is, very few businesses achieve overnight success. It takes time to build a customer base, develop a strong reputation, and generate word-of-mouth marketing. In the meantime, it's important to stay focused on your goals and continue to work hard. Remember, the road to success is often long and winding. But if you're patient and persistent, you'll eventually reach your destination. So don't give up on your dreams - stuck in your comfort zone, be patient and go after them; you’re dreams are worth the wait!
6. Persevere when things get tough, and remember your why.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
It's easy to give up when things get tough. We live in a society that tells us to take the easy way out, to avoid pain at all costs. But the truth is, overcoming obstacles is what makes you stronger. It's what builds our resilience. And it's when you are at your lowest that you must remember your why. Why did you start this journey in the first place? What are your goals? What are you fighting for? Don't give up when things get tough. Why you are working to change your comfort zone in the first place? Persevere. Remember your why, and challenges are only temporary, and they will eventually lead to your success.
7. Reward yourself for making progress.
“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. ”
As you progress in overcoming your comfort zone, reward yourself for your hard work. Yes, you might be thinking that progress is its own reward, but it never hurts to give yourself a little extra incentive. Whether you're trying to lose weight, save money, improve your productivity, or grow your business, a well-placed reward can be the difference between success and failure. Of course, it's important to choose your rewards wisely. A new car might be a bit too expensive for most people trying to stick to a budget, but a new book or a day at the spa might just be the perfect way to celebrate your hard work. And if you're trying to make progress in your business or career, why not treat yourself to a luxurious trip once you reach your goal? Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that will motivate you to keep going. After all, you deserve it. Reward yourself for making progress today, and you'll be that much closer to achieving your dreams tomorrow.
8. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.”
It's important to celebrate your victories when you step out of your comfort zone- no matter how big or small. Every accomplishment, no matter how seemingly minor, is a step in the right direction. Each success brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal. And, of course, celebrating your successes is a great way to stay motivated and keep moving forward. When you take the time to celebrate your accomplishments, you remind yourself that you're capable of achieving great things. You give yourself a much-needed confidence boost when you need it most. So, don't be afraid to break out the champagne- even for the small stuff. Because, in the end, it's all part of achieving your big dreams.
9. Keep moving forward, and never give up on your dreams.
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. ”
The most important thing to remember is to keep moving forward and never give up on your dreams. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but it is crucial to push through these difficult times. If you stay focused and dedicated, you will eventually achieve your goals. Short-term comfort may feel good in the moment, but it is not worth sacrificing your long-term goals. You are capable of so much more than you realize. So, don't let comfort hold you back from achieving your dreams.
10. Take time for yourself and focus on your happiness.
“Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that makes you, you.”
Taking time for yourself and focusing on your own happiness is essential. This means making time for your hobbies, passions, and interests. Do things that make you happy and avoid anything that causes you stress or anxiety. Taking care of yourself will make you better equipped to handle the challenges of changing your comfort zone. In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take time for yourself. Taking time for yourself is essential for maintaining your health and happiness. When you make your own well-being a priority, you'll find that you have more energy and creativity to put towards your work. And when you're happy and fulfilled, your work will reflect that, and you will be more willing to step outside your comfort zone. So don't be afraid to take a few minutes each day to do something that makes you happy, whether it's reading a good book, taking a nature walk, or spending time with loved ones. When you invest in your own happiness, you'll be surprised at how quickly your life transforms.
We've all been there and it's ok to stay in the comfort zone once in a while. But what if I told you that you can get past that mental block and start taking giant strides towards your next level results? Believe it and don't be afraid to take comfortable risks. Take small steps out of your comfort zone and watch yourself grow, strengthen and flourish. Everyday think about how you can challenge yourself! Maybe it’s stepping foot inside a gym for the first time or actually putting words on paper for a new project. Whatever it may be, count those successes as small wins leading up to the bigger picture - reaching your highest potential that could lead to even greater achievements. So, don’t wait another minute – it’s time to jump out of your plain Jane existence and start embracing the gift of discomfort so you can reach higher levels of success! Now go ahead, book that complimentary high performance strategy session today, and begin your journey to next level results - no more excuses! Here’s to passionate success!
Grab your resilience toolkit And remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about getting back up when you fall. So what are you waiting for? Let's go get uncomfortable!