Mastering Your Mindset: Stop Self-Sabotage and Boost Your Success 

Are you tired of feeling like your own worst enemy? Ever wonder why, despite your best efforts, stress and self-doubt always sneak in? Here's a bold truth: ALL your stress is generated by self-sabotaging thoughts. Yes, it really is that simple. These Saboteurs—like the Controller, Stickler, and Victim—are negative thought patterns deeply embedded in your unconscious, derailing your performance and happiness. According to a Stanford study, mastering your mind can significantly boost your success.

Imagine a life free from the grip of stress, where you trust the wisdom of your true self—your Sage. In this blog, "Mastering Your Mindset: Stop Self-Sabotage and Boost Your Success," you'll discover how to identify these Saboteurs, understand their deceit, and take practical steps to overcome them.

Ready to bust those Saboteur lies and reclaim your peace and productivity? Let’s get started.

Understanding Your Saboteurs

Your mind’s greatest strength is its ability to change. Overcome negativity and let ambition drive your success.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Have you ever felt that nagging voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough or that you need to control every little detail? These intrusive thoughts, known as your saboteurs, are deeply ingrained patterns from your unconscious mind. They create stress, anxiety, and self-doubt, holding you back from reaching your goals and living a balanced life.

But here's the good news: You can overcome these saboteurs. Research by my mentor, Shirzad Chamine at Stanford University, shows that identifying and managing your saboteurs can lead to greater success and fulfillment. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that practicing mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral techniques can significantly decrease anxiety and improve overall well-being.

Imagine feeling confident, less stressed, and free from self-doubt. Recognizing and confronting these negative patterns is not just a step, but a leap towards unlocking a happier, more powerful way of thinking. It's like giving yourself a boost to reach your full potential and lead a more satisfying life. You are in control of your journey.

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The Most Common Self-sabotage Habits and How They Affect You

Confront your inner saboteurs. Recognize their lies and reclaim control of your journey to success.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Recognizing your internal Saboteurs is the first step toward personal growth and success. 

Here are the most common Saboteurs to watch out for:

1. the Controller: 

Do you find yourself needing to dominate and control situations and people? This Saboteur convinces you that no one else can be trusted to get the job done, leaving you feeling it’s all up to you. High levels of control can lead to increased stress and burnout, as studies show.

2. The Stickler: 

Are you a perfectionist? This Saboteur demands everything be flawless and criticizes anything less. It convinces you that others are sloppy and don’t care as much as you do. Perfectionism can crank up anxiety, slow you down, and zap your productivity.

3. The Victim: 

Do you often feel powerless, focusing on your suffering? This Saboteur makes you believe you’re not capable and that everything is stacked against you. This mindset can hinder personal growth, as highlighted by emotional resilience studies.

4. The Pleaser: 

Are you desperate for approval, constantly helping, pleasing, or flattering others? It makes you afraid of rejection and desperate for approval. Research indicates that people-pleasing behaviors can result in burnout and resentment.

5. The Avoider: 

Do you find yourself procrastinating, avoiding difficult tasks and conflicts? This Saboteur tricks you into focusing only on the pleasant, leading to avoidance and procrastination. Avoiding challenges can lead to missed opportunities and feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

6. The Hyper-Achiever: 

Do you feel your worth is tied to your performance and achievements? This Saboteur makes you dependent on constant success for self-respect. Studies indicate this mindset can lead to chronic stress and health issues.

Each Saboteur has a distinct voice and a set of lies it uses to manipulate your thoughts and actions. By recognizing these Saboteurs and understanding their tactics, you take the first step toward freeing yourself from their grip. Take this quick, free Saboteurs Assessment. Learning to identify and manage these internal challenges opens up the possibility for greater personal and professional success.

The Battle Between Saboteurs and Sage

Success isn’t the absence of failure; it’s the resilience to keep moving forward.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Imagine you're leading a crucial project, and things start going sideways with mistakes and failures cropping up. Your inner Controller might panic, thinking, "I can't rely on anyone else. It's all on me." But your inner Sage reminds you, "Your team has immense potential. Inspire and empower them instead of micromanaging." Feel the difference?

Saboteurs vs. Sage: Responding to Challenges

Your inner Stickler says, “Everything must be perfect, or it’s a waste.” But your Sage says, “Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.”

When things go wrong, your inner Victim thinks, “I’m not cut out for this.” Your Sage counters, “You have the skills to overcome any challenge.”

If you’re trying to please everyone, thinking, “I’ll do everything myself,” your Sage knows better: “Delegating tasks shows trust in your team and lets them shine.”

Feeling overwhelmed? Your Avoider says, “This project is too stressful.” Your Sage says, “Face challenges head-on; they lead to growth and success.”

Your Hyper-Achiever insists, “I must succeed, or I’m not good enough.” Your Sage reminds you, “Success is important, but so is a healthy work-life harmony.”

The key difference between Saboteurs and Sage is that Saboteurs operate from fear, while Sage operates from wisdom. Recognizing when our Saboteurs are in control allows us to choose our Sage instead. Spotting when your Saboteurs take the wheel lets you shift to a positive, growth-focused mindset.

RELATED ARTICLE: Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Recognizing and Defeating Your Inner Saboteur

Beating inner self-sabotage Lies: Three Steps to Freedom

Now, are you ready to bust the Saboteur lies that cause all your stress? 

Here are three specific steps you can take:

1. Label the Saboteur Lie

Label your inner critic and strip its power. Your potential is limitless when you recognize your true self.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Ever catch yourself thinking, "I'm going to mess this up"? That's your Saboteur talking. By labeling this thought as a "Saboteur lie," you strip it of its power and credibility. So, instead of saying, "I think I will screw this up," try saying, "My Saboteur is trying to convince me I'll screw this up." Feel the difference?

Labeling the thought as a Saboteur lie helps you distance yourself from it. You realize it's not an absolute truth but a distortion created by your Saboteur. This awareness is crucial in weakening its grip on your mind. According to a study by Stanford University, labeling negative thoughts can reduce their impact on our emotions and stress levels.

Next time that negative thought creeps in, recognize it for what it is—a Saboteur lie. Acknowledge it, label it, and move past it. Your potential is boundless, and you have the power to overcome these mental hurdles.

2. Shift Your Attention to a Physical Sensation

Shift your focus, calm your mind, and face challenges with clarity. Master your mind, master your life.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Shift your attention to a physical sensation for at least 10 seconds. Focus intently on your next few breaths, feel the weight of your body on your seat, or listen to the ambient sounds around you. By doing this, you quiet the regions of your brain that fuel your Saboteurs.

Redirecting your focus to these physical sensations interrupts negative thought patterns and activates parts of your brain associated with calmness and mindfulness. Imagine facing your next big challenge with a clear and focused mind. This easy habit can lower your stress and boost your skills in tackling any challenges that come your way.

High achievers like you often face immense pressure. By incorporating this technique into your routine, you unlock the possibility of staying calm and collected, no matter what comes your way.

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3. Repeat with Patience

Don’t let negativity anchor you down. Label it, laugh at it, and let your ambition move you forward.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

When those Saboteur thoughts creep back in—and they inevitably will—tackle them with patience. Getting upset only gives them power. Instead, disarm them with humor by assigning names like "Perfectionist Patty," "Doubtful Donna," “Know it all” or "Imposter Irene." This strategy not only discredits these negative voices but also injects a bit of light-heartedness into the process.

Humor is a powerful tool for disarming your Saboteurs. By giving them silly names and making light of their tactics, you diminish their influence and create mental distance from these negative patterns. Imagine you're in a high-stakes meeting, and the "Know It All" voice in your head starts doubting your ideas. By acknowledging it with a playful name, you can regain control and focus on your strengths. This approach not only helps you stay composed but also keeps you on the path to achieving your goals.

By following these steps, you can master your mindset, stop self-sabotage, and boost your success. Remember, it's all about recognizing, shifting, and disarming those Saboteur lies.

Real-Life Applications

Case Study 1: Your Leadership Transformation

Imagine you're Rebecca, a senior manager at a tech company, struggling with the urge to micromanage and criticize your team. This constant battle leads to high stress and strained relationships. Ever felt this way?

By identifying and labeling your Saboteur thoughts, you can shift your focus to physical sensations when you feel the urge to control or criticize.

Try deep breathing and mindful listening. Over time, you'll notice a significant drop in stress. Empower your team and play to their strengths – they'll get more engaged and productive.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to overcome overwhelm so you can live the life you desire | 10 tips

Case Study 2: Your Journey to Self-Compassion

Picture yourself as Jason, a successful entrepreneur seeking validation through achievements and fearing rejection if you don’t meet expectations. This relentless pursuit of perfection leaves you exhausted and unhappy. Can you relate?

Start labeling your Saboteur thoughts, like "I need to win this contract to prove my worth," as lies. Shift your attention to physical sensations, like the feel of your feet on the ground, to stay present. Give your Saboteurs humorous names like "Mr. Never Enough" or "Approval Addict" to lighten your mental load.

Consistently practicing these steps leads to a profound sense of self-compassion. You'll realize your worth isn't tied to achievements or others’ approval. This newfound self-compassion allows you to enjoy your work and personal life more fully.


You have the power to break free from self-sabotage and unlock your full potential. Overcoming self-doubt, procrastination, and excuses is within your reach. Challenge your negative self-talk and surround yourself with supportive people—these are crucial steps toward success.

Take a moment now to identify your self-sabotaging behaviors with the 2-minute Saboteur Assessment. Then, schedule your free "Unlock Your Performance Edge" session to review your results and create a personalized plan.

Breaking these patterns takes effort and patience, but every small step counts. Trust yourself, believe in your abilities, and take action toward a brighter future. The possibilities are endless when you conquer your own saboteurs—let's do this together!

Ready to achieve your dream life? I’m Felecia Etienne, your go-to Certified High-Performance Coach™ and Mental Fitness Coach. Let me take you on a transformative journey with a Complimentary Unlock Your Performance EDGE call. This isn’t just a chat—it’s your ticket to the high-performance tools and techniques I’ve shared with my coaching clients.

In this personalized call, you'll:

- Dive into your dreams and goals, tackle obstacles, and bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

- Uncover and combat triggers of self-sabotage while discovering untapped strengths.

- You'll walk away with actionable strategies that deliver immediate impact

Equip yourself with the strategies, resources, and support needed to shatter obstacles, self-sabotaging, narrow the gap, and transform your ambitions into tangible achievements. Ready to escape inertia and boost your impact? Book a private and confidential session. Unlock Your Performance EDGE with Felecia. Let's unlock your potential together.

To find out more about Felecia, you can visit her website at

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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