How to overcome resistance and achieve your dreams | 10 strategies


How to overcome resistance and achieve your dreams | 10 strategies

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to move forward toward fulfilling your wildest dreams? Do you want to make a big change, but something is holding you back? Resistance is common when we try to introduce significant changes in our life. It often feels easier to stay comfortable where we are rather than overcome inertia and reach for new heights. But overcoming resistance can be the key that unlocks our potential and lets us achieve amazing things through hard work, focus, and dedication.

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life. I do this through proven high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

In this blog post, I will share 10 strategies that have helped me personally break through my own resistance and reach my goals by taking action! So grab a cup of coffee or tea - let's get ready to unlock your future!

What is Resistance?

Resistance is a powerful force that's often trying to keep you from achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams. It can feel like an invisible wall blocking you from achieving success despite your best efforts. It often comes in the form of procrastination, self-doubt, and negative self-talk – all of which can make it hard to take action in line with what you want for yourself. But there is hope! With awareness and dedication, you can break through these barriers and realize your highest ambitions. By being mindful and kind to yourself, you can ultimately rise above resistance to lead a fulfilling life.

Is Resistance a bad or a good thing?

Resistance is a complex concept – one with no single "right" answer for everyone. It can be incredibly helpful, providing the push you need to rise to challenges, conquer stress and reach your goals. But if left unchecked, it can also constrain you, holding you back from achieving your ambitions and soaking away your energy. How you approach resistance is ultimately up to you - embracing it as both a constructive challenge and an opportunity for personal growth can lead to powerful transformation in your life and help you realize your dreams.

10 Strategies to Overcome Resistance

Overcome Resistance Strategy #1: Recognize Your Patterns

Overcoming resistance starts with acknowledging and recognizing your patterns. Many of us go through life believing the stories we tell ourselves, often from a place of learned helplessness. It can be difficult to face the things that are holding you back or getting in your way, but it is worth doing. When you give yourself permission to really look at what is causing barriers in your life and take action on them, resistance becomes easier to manage. The ultimate goal is to find peace within these patterns, mastering your reactions so that they are no longer controlling or dictating your life. Taking a proactive approach to curbing automatic reactions is essential for stepping beyond your comfort zone and unlocking pathways toward success and growth.

Overcome Resistance Strategy #2: Challenge Your negative self-talk

Everyone has moments of self-doubt and negativity, but that doesn't have to define us. The key is recognizing your inner monologue and proactively turning it around before you start to spiral. When you challenge your negative thoughts with facts and replace unhelpful beliefs with empowering ones, it sets you on a path toward success. You can do this by being mindful of your limitations and fatigue levels so that you don't burden yourself with too many impossible standards, or writing affirmations every morning to remind yourself of your greatness, or setting small goals and celebrating the steps along the way. By investing a little time in regularly reprogramming your minds, you can overcome resistance and take your life back into your own hands!

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Overcome Resistance Strategy #3: Address Your Fears

We all face resistance sometimes, but when you are willing to lean into your fears and confront them, it can help you to push through so much better. If you can find the courage to work through your anxieties and properly name, assess, and address your current worries, it helps fight against that fear-based resistance. It's not easy and definitely involves some risks - but if done carefully in a controlled environment, then it can be powerful enough to help you take the action that you need in order to reach your goals. Don't get overwhelmed by facing these fears, either. Start small with manageable mini-challenges that will help build up your confidence for the bigger tasks down the line.

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Overcome Resistance Strategy #4: Release Your Limiting Beliefs

Are you stuck in your own way? Are limiting beliefs keeping you from overcoming resistance and achieving success? If so, it can be incredibly empowering to take control of your life once again and rid yourself of this inner roadblock. Limiting beliefs are often rooted in fear, doubt, and insecurity - releasing them allows you to become more confident in your decisions and reassures you that you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Adding awareness to and actively challenging these self-imposed obstacles is the first step to breaking the resistance barrier and recognizing all the triumphs your life has to offer.

Overcome Resistance Strategy #5: Get Into Action

Overcoming resistance is a crucial part of any successful endeavor. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to “get into action.” Taking action can be incredibly empowering, developing our knowledge and building our confidence as we move forward. Action releases endorphins, enabling you to stay motivated and energized in the face of challenging situations. It also sends a positive message to yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals. The key is to make taking action automatic by establishing routines and habits that help you reach your aspirations quicker and easier. Together, this skillful combination of physical action and mental recalibration will have you conquering your resistance quickly.

Overcome Resistance Strategy #6: Work with a Certified High Performance Coach

Making positive changes in your life can be difficult, but with the help of a certified high-performance success coach, you can get the support needed to overcome any resistance. Coaches have the expertise, accountability measures, and motivation strategies to help you break through any barriers that may seem insurmountable. A high-performance success coach will provide a safe space for growth and lasting changes that will empower you to reach the highest level of effectiveness and success. With their guidance and direction, you can develop new mindsets and habits that will ensure your continued development long after our time together has come to an end. There is no better way to invest in yourself than to hire a certified high-performance success coach.

Overcome Resistance Strategy #7: Take Small Steps

Often, we can be overwhelmed by large tasks and goals, but it's important to remember that taking even small steps can move us closer to our dreams. By seeing progress in small steps instead of expecting overnight success, you can build yourself up and stay motivated. This makes it easier to overcome the resistance that comes with making big changes. Making deliberate and conscious decisions throughout our day-to-day life is key; taking mindful baby steps so that our behavior becomes good habits is an integral part of any journey towards a more fulfilling life. When you begin to see how these small changes create larger outcomes over time, our prospects become limitless!

Overcome Resistance Strategy #8: Use Positive Visualization

Positive visualization can be a powerful tool to help you overcome resistance. When you visualize a positive outcome, you are giving yourself the strength and confidence to persevere and make progress despite challenges. Visualization also helps with focus, allowing you to dedicate your time and energy to accomplish your goals. It's also incredibly beneficial in creating motivation because it allows you to have faith that great things will come from your hard efforts. With the right attitude and a little bit of daily visualization practice, anyone can tap into this powerful aid and reap the rewards of overcoming resistance!

Overcome Resistance Strategy #9: Create a Supportive Environment

Overcoming resistance can be daunting, but creating a supportive environment is the best way to start. By carefully considering the attitudes and behaviors of your team, you can set up an atmosphere that always puts success first. Start by giving everyone an opportunity to express their opinions and ideas without feeling intimidated or judged. Make sure everyone feels valued and respected, as well as being an active, involved member of the team. Creating an open dialogue allows for more easy collaboration and creates a positive work culture. Encourage respect from one another, accept different points of view, and create healthy boundaries within interactions in order to foster trust within your group. Doing so sets a strong foundation for further success down the line.

Overcome Resistance Strategy #10: Be Accountable

Overcoming resistance and staying accountable can certainly be challenging, but it doesn't have to feel impossible! Taking accountable actions to help reduce resistance starts with recognizing that something needs to change - whether it's a habit, lifestyle choice, or professionally related goals. Once you understand what shifts you can make in order for progress to happen, breaking down the process into manageable pieces is key. Setting up a timeline, so you have achievable short-term and long-term checkpoints can energize you along the journey. We all need reminders now and then of why we are taking these steps and how they fit into our larger strategies - writing those reminders down can be especially helpful! Start your journey today by making a plan and sticking to it, tracking your progress each step of the way. With focus, hard work, and commitment, you can achieve nearly anything; apply this mindset as you continue working towards overcoming resistance so that, ultimately, success is within reach!

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Bonus: Overcome Resistance Strategy #11: Belief In Yourself

Having faith and belief in yourself is the best way to overcome resistance and push past any negativity you may encounter. When you believe in yourself, it gives you the mental fortitude to stick with a task and power through despite any obstacles that come your way. It boosts your confidence to keep going even when things seem hard or overwhelming. Having that underlying belief helps to make difficult tasks smoother and more satisfying because you will be able to remind yourself of how far you have come and how close you are to reaching your goals. Nurturing this self-belief can take time, but it’s absolutely worth it! Believe in yourself, channel your inner strength, have courage and go on – success is yours for the taking!


Resistance is a powerful force, but it doesn't have to stop us from achieving our dreams. With these 10 strategies for overcoming resistance, you can start making progress today. If you find yourself struggling to take action or move forward in your life, book a complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session with me. I'll help you identify the areas where you're experiencing resistance and give you specific tools and strategies for moving past it. You deserve to live a joyful, fulfilled life – let's make it happen!

P.S. Grab my Resilience Toolkit for more proven strategies to give you an edge in your life, business, or career.

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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