Achieve Greatness: 12 Proven Strategies to Develop an Olympic Mindset

Do you admire the dedication, discipline, and determination of Olympic athletes? Ever wish you could tap into that same mindset that drives them to become champions? Whether you're a high performer, a business owner, or an entrepreneur, we all want to achieve greatness in our fields. Yet, are you feeling trapped in a relentless cycle of stress, self-doubt, and burnout? You're not alone.

The pursuit of greatness is a journey fueled by our desire to reach our fullest potential, and for high-achievers like you, who juggle personal and professional demands, it can often feel overwhelming.

You may find yourself achieving success while struggling under the weight of expectations and the fear of self-sabotage.

But what if I told you that adopting an Olympic mindset could not only help you excel but also reignite your passion and clarity?

In this blog, we’ll explore 12 proven strategies that elite athletes and successful individuals swear by—strategies designed to cultivate resilience and embrace a growth mindset. Backed by scientific research, these insights empower you to not just succeed but thrive amidst the chaos.

Let’s unlock the tools that will help you navigate your unique journey toward greatness while honoring your ambitions and addressing your challenges. Together, we can break free from the cycles that hold you back and pave the way for a fulfilling and balanced life.

#1. Trust in Your Own Potential: Believe in Yourself

When life gets tough, pause and remember the strength within you. You’ve overcome before; you can do it again.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Self-Belief

The first step toward developing an Olympic mindset is truly believing in yourself. It might sound cliché, but self-belief is the cornerstone of all achievement. It means having confidence in your abilities, recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, and trusting your potential to succeed. Studies show that self-belief is linked to better performance, heightened motivation, and improved overall well-being.

Inspiring Example: Lauren Scruggs

Take Lauren Scruggs, for instance—the first Black American woman to win an Olympic medal in fencing. From the age of seven, she committed herself to mastering the sport, showing us that dedication pays off. You can start your journey by setting smaller, achievable goals that build your confidence over time. Remember, every small victory helps you reclaim your ambition and push through the self-doubt that might creep in.

Embracing Your Potential

Embracing your potential is key, especially when the pressures of life feel overwhelming. As you navigate your busy days, it’s important to pause and reflect on the strength within you. The journey to success is rarely a straight line; it’s filled with ups and downs that can lead to burnout. Acknowledging these challenges allows you to forge a path that’s truly yours, one where self-belief becomes your greatest ally.

Overcoming Challenges with Self-Belief

Whether you’re facing stress in your job or feeling stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, remember that building a strong belief in yourself is not just possible—it’s essential.

#2. Set Clear Goals

The power of your ambitions lies in the clarity of your goals; make them bold and specific.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Clear Goals and Visualization for Success

How often do we overlook the basics, thinking we already know them? Setting clear goals is fundamental to success, keeping us focused and motivated—yet it may seem so basic that you might be thinking, "Just give me something different!" I totally understand that craving for strategic, science-backed insights. My mind is always in search of something new. However, I've found that sometimes the simplest strategies, like setting clear goals, are the ones we overlook on our journey to success in business, career, or life.

Olympic athletes exemplify the power of this basic yet profound principle. Take Gabby Thomas, who shared her goal-setting process with CBS Mornings. She excels by breaking down her dreams into manageable short-term and long-term goals. Gabby boosts her self-confidence through positive self-talk, consistently telling herself she's already an Olympic champion and visualizing her victory. This practice of visualizing success and setting specific, achievable goals is not just about keeping the momentum; it's a vital part of building the foundation for achieving greatness.

RELATED ARTICLE: 23 Small Habits to change your life for the better (so you can achieve your goals with confidence and grace.)

Overcoming Goal Confusion with Clarity and Visualization

Many of our goals, let's face it, often seem murky and convoluted, not truly aligned with our personal vision, mission, or values but rather shaped by societal expectations or what others deem as success. This misalignment can lead to overwhelming frustration as we juggle attempts to fulfill these misdirected ambitions all at once.

To add depth and value, it's essential to recalibrate our goals to resonate with our core values, breaking them down into clear, achievable milestones. Gabby Thomas’s method of visualizing success underscores this, illustrating the power of aligning your aspirations with your personal beliefs and the transformative impact of positive self-reflection and daily goal review. This approach not only helps maintain focus and clarity amidst the chaos but also prevents burnout, enhancing overall satisfaction with our progress. So, like Gabby, ask yourself: Are my goals in clear sight? Do I actively visualize my success and engage my mind towards achieving it?

The Power of Daily Reviews

Incorporating a daily review of your goals goes beyond being helpful—it's a scientifically backed strategy that can revolutionize your approach to achieving them. Research has uncovered that making this a habit boosts your cognitive processing, aligning your actions more closely with your objectives and significantly increasing your chances of success. It's all about activating your brain's reticular activating system, which sharpens your alertness to opportunities and resources that match your goals. So, making time each day to reflect on your goals isn't just beneficial; it's a game-changer.

However, when you fixate on that big goal, it’s easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or burned out. You may even feel guilty for not doing more. In the process, don’t neglect something small but incredibly important: aligning your long-term and short-term goals with clear, attainable milestones.

Making Progress with Ease

So, each day, take a moment to visualize your ultimate vision. Then, jot down achievable milestones that align with tasks you can tackle right now. This approach will help you progress toward your goals with ease and flow, celebrating the journey—both wins and setbacks—because they are all part of reaching your destination. How has your goal-setting process evolved over time? What small milestones have significantly impacted your journey? Let’s share our experiences and learn from one another!

#3. Mastering Discipline for Lasting Success

Success is not a destination; it’s the result of the disciplined journey you choose every day.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Understanding Discipline: The Bridge to Achievement

Discipline is your bridge between dreams and achievements. It's about making intentional choices that align with your values and long-term aspirations. While developing discipline requires commitment, consistency, and sometimes sacrifice, the rewards are worth it.

The Fear of Discipline: Common Misconceptions

Discipline can often feel like a daunting concept for many of us. It evokes a sense of fear, as if our freedom is at stake. For some, discipline is equated with perfection—believing that to be disciplined, one must be flawless. If we find ourselves being inconsistent or missing the mark, we label ourselves as lazy. Others view discipline as relentless hard work, where taking breaks is not an option, and staying focused is paramount, no matter the circumstances. I’ve faced all these perspectives, and I’m sure you have too.

The Negative Impact of Misguided Mindsets

However, I’ve come to realize that these mindsets only create unnecessary stress, doubt, and guilt, robbing us of the ability to be present and appreciate the joys in our lives. Ultimately, they lead to feelings of unfulfillment in various areas, including performance, relationships, health, and wealth.

Learning from Olympic Athletes: The Power of Discipline

Take a moment to think about Olympic athletes. Their incredible discipline in training and maintaining healthy habits fuels their success. Just like swimmer Michael Phelps, who dedicated countless hours to his craft, you can cultivate your version of discipline.

A Shift in Perspective: Discipline as a Protective Net

My belief about discipline has shifted; I now see it as a protective net that enables us to thrive and pursue our dreams. It provides the systems and routines that safeguard us when things feel out of control or overwhelming. Imagine starting each day with ten minutes of meditation and jotting down a few things you’re grateful for. This small ritual can set a positive tone for your day, helping you navigate the challenges of a busy life.

Reflecting on Your Relationship with Discipline

So, how do you perceive discipline in your life? Does it empower you or hold you back? Embracing discipline in your routine not only fuels your ambition but also helps combat stress and self-doubt, empowering you to achieve your personal greatness.

#4. Embrace Failure and Learn from It

Fear isn’t your enemy; it’s a reminder that you’re in the game and ready to grow.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC
Embrace failure as your greatest teacher; each setback is a step closer to your success story.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Inevitable Nature of Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of your journey toward greatness. What truly sets high achievers apart is their ability to embrace failure, learn from it, and transform it into motivation.

Lessons from Olympic Athletes

Think about Olympic athletes; they face numerous setbacks, yet they view these moments as golden opportunities for growth. When you start to reframe failure as feedback, you open yourself up to adjusting your approach and overcoming obstacles that stand in your way.

Reframing Setbacks as Stepping Stones

Imagine a time when you felt like giving up after a setback. Instead, what if you saw that moment as a stepping stone, a lesson in disguise? By adopting this mindset, you can continue moving forward on your path to success, just like those who have come before you. Remember, embracing failure is not just about resilience—it's about cultivating a mindset that thrives on possibility.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

What’s your experience with failure? Have you ever felt held back by fear—the fear of failing, the fear of winning, or even the fear of starting small? I’ll raise my hand; I’ve experienced all of it, and those fears have risen more times than I’d like to admit.

RELATED ARTICLE: Fear of Failure|5 ways to overcome IT and take action

Harnessing Fear as a Motivator

But here’s the thing: fear is an alert reminding you that you have skin in the game and truly want it. Give it 10 seconds of your attention, but don’t dwell on it. Instead, use it to shift, recover, and thrive. Align it with your next best action to keep moving forward.

Finding Strength in Routines

And when you’re in the thick of it, lean into your routines and systems—that's where your power lies. You're in the zone, and fear is just along for the ride. You're that Olympic athlete who doesn't choke when the gold is on the line, even when your back is against the wall.

#5. Foster Resilience

True strength lies in knowing when to push forward and when to pause and reflect.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

Understanding Resilience: The Key to Bouncing Back

Resilience is all about bouncing back from setbacks and pushing forward, no matter the challenges you face. It’s about having a growth mindset, staying flexible, and honing your coping skills. If you're striving for greatness, embracing resilience is crucial. By actively cultivating your resilience, you’ll not only overcome obstacles but also stay motivated and make consistent progress toward your goals. Remember, even the most successful people encounter struggles; it’s how you respond that defines your journey. Wilma Rudolph's life story exemplifies resilience. Despite being born prematurely and suffering from polio, which left her leg paralyzed, she overcame these challenges through resilience and determination, eventually winning three gold medals at the 1960 Rome Olympics.

Embracing Challenges: A Shift in Perspective

Imagine you hit a roadblock in your career—maybe a project didn’t turn out as you’d hoped. Instead of feeling defeated, consider it a chance to learn and grow. This shift in perspective nurtures resilience, empowering you to push through self-doubt and emerge even stronger. Embrace those challenges; they’re stepping stones on your journey to greatness. Reflecting on figures like Wilma Rudolph, who viewed every obstacle as an opportunity for growth, can inspire us to adopt a similar mindset.

Debunking Myths: What Resilience Is and Isn’t

Here’s a common misconception about resilience: Many believe it means you must always push through, but that mindset can lead to burnout. True resilience involves knowing your values, trusting yourself, and recognizing that every challenge is merely a moment in time. There’s a lesson in every setback, something that will ultimately strengthen you—even if it isn’t immediately apparent. It’s also about acknowledging when you need to pause, breathe, and recalibrate to rise stronger. Wilma Rudolph's success didn't come from relentless pushing but from her ability to balance determination with self-care and recovery.

Reflecting on Your Journey: What Challenges Have Shaped You?

What challenges have shaped your understanding of resilience? By focusing on nurturing this quality, you’re not just preparing to tackle obstacles—you’re crafting a more fulfilling, balanced life. Everyone deals with stress and self-doubt, but it’s how you choose to rise above these feelings that sets you apart. Consider how overcoming your own setbacks has prepared you for future challenges, much like Wilma Rudolph's early struggles laid the groundwork for her Olympic triumphs.

Building Resilience: A Vital Strategy for Success

Take the time to build your resilience; it’s a vital strategy for achieving your dreams, especially in our fast-paced, demanding lives. Reflect on the stories of those like Wilma Rudolph, who remind us that resilience is about more than just surviving; it’s about thriving, growing, and reaching new heights, no matter the obstacles.

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#6. Embrace Self-Reflection for Growth

Self-reflection is the mirror that reveals your true potential; the more you look, the more you grow.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Self-Reflection

Taking time for self-reflection is crucial for uncovering insights into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It’s all about being honest with yourself—acknowledging your strengths and the areas where you can improve. Olympic athletes often use self-reflection as a tool to analyze their performance and make necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Regular Self-Reflection

By practicing self-reflection regularly, high achievers can identify patterns that hinder their progress and take action to break through them. Imagine feeling less stress and self-doubt as you navigate your busy life. Reflecting on your experiences can help you break free from the cycle of burnout and self-sabotage.

My Personal Journey with Self-Reflection

For me, self-reflection has become non-negotiable; it allows me to grow from the stresses and everyday challenges I face in my business and life. I often set aside time to evaluate my decisions and their impacts, which helps me regain perspective and find solutions to obstacles.

Gaining Clarity Through Reflection

Each time I pause to reflect, I gain clarity on my goals and better understand my reactions to various situations. I often ask myself, "What did I learn from this experience, and how can I apply it moving forward?"

Your Path to Growth Begins Here

Embrace this journey as an opportunity for growth, and remember, your path to greatness starts with understanding yourself better. What insights can you uncover about yourself through self-reflection that might help you navigate your own challenges?

#7. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

In the face of doubt, remember: the right support can turn your challenges into wins.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Impact of Your Circle

The people you surround yourself with play a crucial role in shaping your mindset and behavior. If you're striving to develop an Olympic mindset, seek out positive influences who genuinely support your growth. Think of Olympic athletes—they often have a team of coaches, trainers, and teammates who inspire them to break through their limits. By building relationships with encouraging, like-minded individuals, you create a supportive environment that nurtures your personal growth.

Reflect on Your Influencers

Reflect on this: Who are the key people in your life that uplift and inspire you? Are there individuals who challenge you to be your best self?

The Importance of Support Systems

Remember, as a high-achieving woman, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and self-doubt. You may find success but often wrestle with burnout or the pressure to please others. Surrounding yourself with positive influences isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential. When you connect with people who uplift you, you're not just fostering your ambition; you're crafting a space where you can thrive, recover, and break free from the cycle of self-sabotage.

Learning from Olympians

From my perspective, just as Olympians lean on their families and friends for support and positive influence, they also recognize the invaluable role of a professional coach or mentor. These individuals help identify gaps, challenge them, and hold them accountable—all without judgment.

The Struggle of Isolation

I've noticed that many of us try to navigate our journeys alone, but this struggle often goes unspoken. The ripple effects of this isolation can lead to underperformance in relationships, finances, health, and overall well-being as we face difficult seasons.

Taking Action

Consider this: Have you ever felt like you were navigating your challenges alone? What would change if you sought out a mentor or coach to support you on your journey? What steps can you take today to surround yourself with more positive influences? How will you create an environment that fosters accountability and growth?

#8. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Focus on what you have, not what you lack. Let appreciation fuel your ambition and drive.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude is about recognizing and appreciating the good in your life. It’s not just a nice sentiment; studies show that practicing gratitude can improve your mental health, boost resilience, and enhance overall well-being.

Gratitude as a Motivational Tool

If you’re striving for greatness, understanding the power of gratitude can help you maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated toward your goals. Instead of fixating on what you lack, imagine shifting your focus to what you have—using that appreciation as fuel for your success.

A Real-Life Example: Katie Ledecky

Consider swimmer Katie Ledecky, who, in her post-event interview, revealed that she was reminiscing about her cherished moments during the 800 freestyle instead of dwelling on the race outcomes. This attitude exemplifies how gratitude can ground you, even in the face of pressure and competition.

The Connection Between Contentment and Performance

Elite athletes who dissociate their contentment from their performance tend to excel, and this principle applies to all of us. For instance, if you approach a pitch with the fear that your worth depends on its outcome, you're less likely to succeed than if you start with the belief, "I have an incredible career that I love; nailing this pitch would be fantastic, but it’s not my end-all."

Transforming Challenges Through Gratitude

By embracing gratitude in your busy life, you can navigate guilt, stress, and self-doubt, transforming those feelings into a source of strength. Remember, it’s about finding joy in your journey, celebrating your achievements, and using those moments to propel you forward.

#9.  Cross-Train for Success

Every new experience is a chance to sharpen your skills and expand your horizons. Cross-train your life for success!
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Cross-Training

Incorporating cross-training into your life is an essential component of developing an Olympic mindset. In sports, cross-training involves training in multiple disciplines to improve overall performance and reduce the risk of injury. Similarly, in life, taking on new experiences or challenges can expand your perspective and strengthen skills that will benefit you in various areas.

Pushing Beyond Your Comfort Zone

What new experiences have you tried recently that pushed you beyond your comfort zone? Consider cross-training as a way to develop resilience—pushing yourself helps build mental toughness and adaptability. It also exposes you to different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, leading to innovative thinking. How do you typically approach challenges, and how could a fresh perspective change that?

Embracing Growth Opportunities

Embrace opportunities for growth outside of your usual routine. Take up a hobby or try something completely out of the ordinary. These experiences can help you tackle challenges with a new outlook and open you up to exciting opportunities. What hobbies have you always wanted to explore but haven’t yet?

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The Pursuit of an Olympic Mindset

Remember, developing an Olympic mindset is not about perfection but rather a constant pursuit of your best self. By embracing self-reflection, surrounding yourself with positive influences, cultivating gratitude, and cross-training for success, you can build resilience and achieve greatness in all aspects of your life. So go forth and chase your dreams with an Olympic mindset!

Continuous Growth on Your Journey

No matter what challenges may come our way, let us remember that the journey towards developing this mindset is an ongoing process. What steps can you take today to continue growing on this journey? The possibilities are endless!

#10. Develop Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is your greatest ally on the journey to success—train it like you would your body.
— Felecia Etienne, MBA, CHPC

The Importance of Mental Fitness in Achieving an Olympic Mindset

An essential part of cultivating an Olympic mindset is prioritizing mental fitness. Just as athletes engage in rigorous mental training for high-pressure competitions, we can apply these techniques to our daily lives. How do you manage stress and maintain focus on your goals?

Building Resilience and Overcoming Self-Doubt

Mental fitness is crucially important for learning how to deal with stress, knock out self-doubt, and stay focused. It's all about getting stronger mentally, so you can bounce back from tough times. Just like getting physically fit, it takes time, effort, and regular practice. Take Simone Biles at the Tokyo Olympics, for instance. She bravely put her mental health first over competing, which really shone a light on how crucial it is to pay attention to our mental health needs. Showing incredible resilience, Simone made an epic comeback at the Paris Olympics, bagging three golds and a silver, proving just how powerful mental fitness can be. What strategies work for you in building your resilience?

RELATED ARTICLE: Turn Stress into Your Ally: Techniques for Personal Development and Resilience

Mindfulness Practices to Strengthen Your Mental Muscles

Simone Biles' approach to mental health highlights the importance of mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling in strengthening our mental muscles. These techniques boost self-awareness and prepare individuals to face challenges with resilience. Working with a coach for tailored coping strategies further enhances mental well-being. Simone's journey teaches us the value of recognizing the need for breaks and prioritizing mental health. It's okay to step back and focus on your well-being; a pause can be a powerful tool for rejuvenation, allowing you to return even stronger. Prioritizing mental health and investing in personal growth equips you with an Olympic mindset for success.

Creating a Space for Mental Fitness

As you create a space for yourself to thrive, don't forget to focus on your mental fitness. Reflect on what practices resonate with you and make them integral to your routine. Joining a mental fitness program may push you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to new perspectives that can transform your approach to both personal and professional life. With a robust mindset, the possibilities are limitless! What will your first step be toward nurturing your mental fitness?

#11. Take Care of Your Mind and Body 

The Importance of Balancing Mental and Physical Well-Being

To achieve greatness, it’s essential to strike a balance between your mental and physical well-being. Think about Olympic athletes—they understand that self-care is non-negotiable. This means prioritizing rest, fueling your body with the right nutrition, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. By caring for your mind and body, you can optimize your performance and sustain the energy you need to chase your dreams, especially when life gets hectic.

The Power of Being Present

The sight of Simone Biles meditating on the sidelines in Paris was a powerful reminder of the importance of being present. In her article, Dr. Keren Landman states that peak performance often hinges on “reframing performance anxiety” in the moment. Techniques like visualizing success or positive self-talk can help us stay grounded in the present. My preferred habit is going for a nature walk, focusing on my breath, and staying present. What practice will you choose to stay in the moment?

Recognizing the Need for Self-Care

If you find yourself caught in a cycle of stress and burnout, remember that even the most successful individuals face these challenges. The key is recognizing that self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a crucial strategy for maintaining your ambition and resilience. When you take intentional steps to nurture yourself, you’re not just improving your performance—you’re empowering yourself to break free from the constraints of self-doubt and people-pleasing.

Embrace the Journey of Self-Care

Embrace the journey of self-care, and you’ll discover the strength to keep pushing toward your goals, no matter the obstacles.

#12. Resolve, Plan Ahead for Suboptimal Conditions, Then Refine

Preparing for Suboptimal Conditions

In any journey toward success, suboptimal conditions will inevitably arise—unexpected setbacks, failures, or obstacles. It's important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for these situations so they don't derail your progress. Embrace the knowledge that these challenges are part of the journey and can lead to valuable growth.

Cultivate a Flexible Mindset

Flexibility is key when facing suboptimal conditions. Instead of fixating on what went wrong, focus on adapting and finding solutions. This mindset shift helps you navigate challenges with resilience and determination. Remember, the best athletes and performers understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to shine even in tough situations.

RELATED ARTICLE: Mastering Your Mindset: Stop Self-Sabotage and Boost Your Success 

Developing a Contingency Plan

Anticipating potential challenges and having a plan in place to overcome them is essential. By proactively addressing obstacles, you'll be better equipped to handle curveballs. This preparation fosters confidence and helps you maintain focus, even in the face of chaos like rowdy fans or unpredictable weather.

Continuously Refining Your Approach

Despite careful planning, suboptimal conditions may still arise unexpectedly. In these moments, it's crucial to continuously refine your approach and pivot as necessary. Stay adaptable and open-minded, allowing new strategies to emerge. If you find a flat response to your jokes gets under your skin, shift your focus to the positive reactions around you. Plan for shorter one-on-one chats if a chronic interrupter is bothering you. And remember, it's perfectly okay to step away for a quick breather during dinner to check in with yourself.

Empower yourself to navigate challenges with confidence, knowing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth!


As you reflect on the 12 proven strategies we've explored to develop an Olympic mindset, remember that this journey is yours to navigate. Embrace setting clear goals, staying focused, and welcoming challenges as stepping stones to your greatness. Like champions Simone Biles and Kikkan Randall, you have the resilience to overcome any obstacle, but it’s important to recognize that developing this mindset is an ongoing process. It requires your dedication, patience, and self-awareness.

As you set off on your path to greatness, I encourage you to take our free 2-minute Saboteur Assessment. This powerful tool will help you identify any self-sabotaging habits that may be holding you back. Plus, don’t forget to grab our Self-Sabotage Solution Checklist to break free from barriers and unleash your full potential.

You are capable of far more than you realize—embrace your inner strength and don’t let anything stand in your way! What will you do as your first step toward becoming mentally fit? Take the assessment today, and let your true potential shine through!

Ready to achieve your dream life? I’m Felecia Etienne, your go-to Certified High-Performance Coach™ and Mental Fitness Coach. Let me take you on a transformative journey with a Complimentary Unlock Your Performance EDGE call. This isn’t just a chat—it’s your ticket to the high-performance tools and techniques I’ve shared with my coaching clients.

In this personalized call, you'll:

- Dive into your dreams and goals, tackle obstacles, and bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

- Uncover and combat triggers of self-sabotage while discovering untapped strengths.

- You'll walk away with actionable strategies that deliver immediate impact

Equip yourself with the strategies, resources, and support needed to shatter obstacles, self-sabotaging, narrow the gap, and transform your ambitions into tangible achievements. Ready to escape inertia and boost your impact? Book a private and confidential session. Unlock Your Performance EDGE with Felecia. Let's unlock your potential together.

To find out more about Felecia, you can visit her website at

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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