13 Simple Goal Setting Techniques that work even when you feel uncertain


13 Simple Goal Setting tips that work even when you feel uncertain 

Ready to level up your goal-setting game? Confronted with a never-ending list of tasks, it can be hard not to feel overwhelmed. But fear not – if you’re a high performer looking to stay motivated and grounded, this post is for you. Here are 13 tried-and-true goal-setting tips that will help you keep pushing forward - even when times get tough, and uncertainty looms large. Whether your goals are related to career, business, personal growth, or relationships (or all the above!), these actionable strategies will give clarity and direction so that you can reach them in record time! So let's dive right in...

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, and productivity so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life. I do this through proven high-performance strategies, routines, habits, and mindset shifts that are simple, sustainable, and fun.

So let's dive right in...

Here are the 13 simple goal-setting tips that work when you feel uncertain:

1. Define what success looks like

Take time each day to define what success looks like for yourself.

Ask yourself:

➡️What would your life look like if everything went the way you wanted? 

➡️What would success look like for your business or career and finances? 

➡️How would your daily life be different? 

Once you've defined what success looks like, write down how you'd feel, think and act differently. Keep this list somewhere where you can review it each day. 

2. Get clear on your desires

Ask yourself: 

➡️What do I want more of in my life? Once you know what you want more of, ask yourself how you can get it. 

➡️More money, more time with family and friends, more happiness, etc.? 

➡️How SMART is your goal?

➡️What steps can you take to achieve this goal? 

This level of clarity will give you the momentum you need when things are uncertain.

3. Prioritize your goals according to the importance

Clarity comes from action. 

Ask yourself: 

➡️How important is this goal to me? 

If you can't prioritize your goals according to importance, don't worry! Once you begin taking the steps, it will be easier to prioritize.

4. Manage your mind

When you are going through a time of uncertainty, your attitude and mindset play an important role in achieving the goals that matter most to you. A negative outlook will only bring about less success. A learning mindset allows you to quickly make adjustments as needed without getting frustrated or losing your momentum.  

5. Take small steps towards your goal.

There's a sense of urgency associated with it. Small steps help you achieve your goals. They allow you to approach your goals more gradually and without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out! To achieve your goal, identify the specific steps. Once you've identified them, make a plan of action, break up significant goals into smaller chunks then schedule a time to take action.

6. Celebrate the completion of each step you take!

Even if you haven't completed a goal, celebrating how far you've come is crucial because it will motivate you to keep going.

Achieving success takes time. We often get wrapped up in our big dreams and forget to appreciate the small steps. It's easy for motivation and enthusiasm to die out if you don't celebrate each step along your journey. Start appreciating those little moments where YOU got something accomplished today. It doesn't have to be elaborate; it could be as simple as scheduling some self-care.  

Achieving small wins is the key to success, and acknowledging those achievements can be a huge motivator. When you succeed at achieving something, even if it's just by 1% or 2%, your brain releases chemicals that give us feelings of pride and happiness, making us want to do more for your next goal!

7. Believe in your ability to succeed

Confidence is a key factor when setting and achieving goals. You give yourself a much greater chance of success when you believe in yourself. Start by believing that you have the power to do anything you want if you put your mind to it! You have all the tools necessary within yourself—you just have to believe in them.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others

One of the best things you can do for your confidence when setting goals is to stop comparing yourself to other people. You are not them, and they are not you! They have different gifts, talents, skills, abilities, backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives than you have. Be confident and embrace who you are and what you have to offer.

9. Adjust your standards

Many of us struggle with having unrealistic expectations of ourselves or our circumstances when setting goals. By adjusting your standards and expectations a bit, it will help you feel more confident about meeting all your goals —and also allow you to feel happy for others when they excel.

10. Break your goals into small chunks

It's important to set realistic and achievable goals before setting large, unattainable ones that will only set you up for failure. When you break your goals into small chunks, it's easier to follow through on them because they are doable.

11. Set deadlines for each of your goals

Deadlines are important when setting goals because they give you a set time frame in which to achieve what you want. If you don't have a deadline, it allows too much time to pass by, and your goals may be pushed to the side. It's best to set deadlines for each of your goals so that you have them written down somewhere. This will also help you remember to review your goals on a regular basis because you'll be checking in with yourself to see if something needs an update or change.

12. Give yourself time to accomplish goals

When setting goals, it can be easy to assume that you have all the time in the world to reach them. However, this is rarely the case. I encourage you to give yourself realistic time frames in which to achieve what you want. This will help you save time and energy so that your goals are within reach.

13. Celebrate every small victory

Finally, celebrate how far you've come when you accomplish each of your goals! Give yourself credit for your hard work! You didn't get where you are without making positive changes and improvements along the way. When you set goals that are meaningful to you, it can help guide your thinking. These steps will clarify what's important to you and what's not—and bring back some of that confidence that might have gone missing.


Goal setting can be a potent tool in helping you to achieve success. First, identify your desired outcome and then break down the steps needed to get there. Work backward from an anticipated milestone to avoid missing any deadlines along the journey. It may feel scary at times but remember- when things seem bleak, it always helps to take time out to reflect, reframe, and pivot if needed. It's never too late to start something new - even if things seem uncertain right now! Follow these steps today, or take action one step at a time until you reach your ultimate goal! You don't have to do it alone. Take advantage of a free strategy session, during which you can talk through the challenges and opportunities that come with pursuing life-changing goals. This amazing journey begins with self-awareness and confidence – so don't hesitate for one second! Waiting for the perfect moment or the ideal set of stars will never get you close enough. Take action now, and you'll thank yourself later. Let's unlock your best self together - book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session today!

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.


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